

link 6.12.2005 14:54 
Subject: people intensive strategies
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People-intensive communications originated in Europe during the nineteenth century following the expansion of the franchise.

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link 6.12.2005 14:59 
Батюшки, это про что же пишут? какая отрасль?


link 6.12.2005 15:01 


link 6.12.2005 15:07 
People-intensive communications originated in Europe during the nineteenth century following the expansion of the franchise. This form predominated in recognizable form throughout most post-industrial societies until at least the 1950s, when the advent of televised campaigns and the publication of regular opinion polls started to transform party communications. In general elections, the people intensive era was characterized by campaign organizations with a party leader at the apex, surrounded by a few close political advisers, who ran relatively short, ad hoc national campaigns. The party organization was then predominately locally-oriented, involving politicians, party volunteers, and citizens in direct, face-to-face contact, through activities exemplified by town hall hustings, door-step canvassing, and local branch party meetings. In mass-branch party organizations, grassroots members provided unpaid labor that helped the local candidate, advised by a local party agent, who was in turn a full-time party official, usually paid.


link 6.12.2005 15:08 
People-intensive communications originated in Europe during the nineteenth century following the expansion of the franchise. This form predominated in recognizable form throughout most post-industrial societies until at least the 1950s, when the advent of televised campaigns and the publication of regular opinion polls started to transform party communications. In general elections, the people intensive era was characterized by campaign organizations with a party leader at the apex, surrounded by a few close political advisers, who ran relatively short, ad hoc national campaigns. The party organization was then predominately locally-oriented, involving politicians, party volunteers, and citizens in direct, face-to-face contact, through activities exemplified by town hall hustings, door-step canvassing, and local branch party meetings. In mass-branch party organizations, grassroots members provided unpaid labor that helped the local candidate, advised by a local party agent, who was in turn a full-time party official, usually paid.


link 6.12.2005 15:17 
Кампании с привлечением многочисленных человеческих ресурсов ?....


link 6.12.2005 16:43 
Кампании/политические акции прямого действия.


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