
 Маша Б.

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link 5.12.2005 17:35 
Subject: завести уголовное дело law
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести "завести уголовное дело"

Выражение встречается в следующем контексте:на задержанных налоговиков заведено уголовное дело о вымогательстве взятки.

Заранее спасибо


link 5.12.2005 17:39 
criminal case was instituted against
criminal proceedings were brought against IMHO


link 5.12.2005 17:39 


link 5.12.2005 17:41 
detained tax officials were charged with extortion
a case of extortion was filed agaist the detained tax officials


link 5.12.2005 17:43 
open the case?


link 5.12.2005 17:46 
or charges of extortion were brought against
... brought charges of extortion against


link 5.12.2005 17:48 
не знаю, зачем я там the написала

 Маша Б.

link 5.12.2005 17:49 
Большое спасибо!


link 5.12.2005 17:51 
to bring criminal charges against ... for bribery and extortion (ИМХО)


link 5.12.2005 17:52 
charges, насколько я понимаю, еще рановато :-)

 Анатолий Д

link 5.12.2005 18:07 
A criminal investigation case was opened/initiated against/with respect to the detained tax officers, suspected of bribery.


link 5.12.2005 18:09 
bribery - это ж когда берут, нет? А здесь extortion? Или это все равно?


link 5.12.2005 18:12 
Тьфу, bribery - когда дают. :-)

 Анатолий Д

link 5.12.2005 18:13 
да, неправ, невнимательно читал
extortion of bribe


link 5.12.2005 18:14 
Сама запуталась и всех сейчас запутаю. :-) Короче, я считаю, что здесь больше подходит extortion/soliciting какой-нибудь.


link 5.12.2005 18:15 
Extortion of bribe is redundant. The term is extortion.

 Анатолий Д

link 5.12.2005 18:33 

just "extortion"?

This is something to ask lawyers about.
Several varieties of extortion exist in Russia.
Art. 163 - Extortion/Вымогательство
Art. 221 - Extortion of nuclear materials
Art. 226 - Extortion of arms or munitions
Art. 290 - Receiving a Bribe
Art. 290-4 - [qualified bribe]
в) - extortion of bribe

Depends on what article applied.

 Анатолий Д

link 5.12.2005 18:36 

Art. 290 - receiving a bribe
Art. 291 - giving a bribe

 Анатолий Д

link 5.12.2005 18:39 
Actually, bribery is generic, covers extortion of bribe, if any.


link 5.12.2005 18:48 
Предварительно одев на голову каску (а то и Блэк у меня неправильный, и сама я не пойми какая), даю выдержки из Black's Law Dictionary

extortion. 1. The offense committed by a public official who illegally obtains property under the color of office; esp. an official's collection of an unlawful fee. - Also termed common law extortion.

"The dividing line between bribery and extortion is shadowy. If one other than the officer corruptly takes the initiative and offers what he knows is not an authorized fee, it is bribery and not extortion. On the other hand, if the officer corruptly makes an unlawful demand which is paid by one who does not realize it is not the fee authorized for the service rendered, it is extortion and not bribery. In theory it would be possible for an officer to extort a bribe under such circumstances that he would be guilty of either offense whereas the outraged citizen would be excused" Rollin M. Perkins & Ronald N. Boyce, Criminal Law 538 (3d ed 1982).

 Анатолий Д

link 5.12.2005 18:54 
Очень занимательно, а что, у них только officer может extortion делать?
У нас все, кому не лень, занимаются вымогательством, и не только взяток.


link 5.12.2005 18:54 
(робко) extortion under the color of office я бы здесь использовала

 Анатолий Д

link 5.12.2005 18:59 
согласен, а еще лучше, пусть прямо статью укажут.


link 5.12.2005 19:02 
Анатолий, я дала только первое определение, так как оно имело непосредственное отношение к вопросу аскера. Тогда продолжение:

2. The act or practice of obtaining something or compelling some action by illegal means as by force or coercion. - Also termed statutory extortion...

"The distinction traditionally drawn between robbery by intimidation and blackmail or extortion is that a person commits robbery when he threatens to do immediate bodily harm, whereas he commits blackmail or extortion when he threatens to do bodily harm in the future". James Lindgren, "Blackmail and Extortion" in 1 Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice 115, 115 (Stanford H. Kadish ed. 1983).


link 5.12.2005 19:08 
Офф: а вообще красивое выражение "under the color of office", да? :-)

 Анатолий Д

link 5.12.2005 19:08 
вот это спасибо, это означает, что уточнение extortion of bribe сушественно. Эти же налоговики могли в свободное время еще где-нибудь что-нибудь вымогать, но в этом их пока не подозревают, а дело открыто за их дела вот именно, что under the color of office.
А если просто extortion оставить, то это размывается, на мой взгляд.


link 5.12.2005 19:09 
According to Barron's Law Dictionary:

EXTORTION at common law, the corrupt collection by a public offical under color of office of an excessive or unauthorized fee. It was punishable as a misdemeanor. Under modern statutes the offense is broadened to inclue the illegal taking of money by ANYONE who employs threats, or other illegal use of fear or coercion in order to obtain the money, and whose conduct falls short of the threat to personal safety required for robbery. Model Penal Code A. 223.4. See 148 A. 2d 848, 850; 2 Mass. 522, 523; 160 F. 2d 754, 756. Extorition is used interchangeably with blackmail and is commonly punished as a feloney. See generally Perkins & Boyce Criminal Law 442-452 (3d ed. 1982). Compare bribery

BRIBERY "voluntary giving of something of value to influence performance of official duty." 237 F. Supp. 638, 641. The "essential elements are offer of gift, purpose to corruptly influence, and official status of offeree." 103 S.E. 2d 666, 670. "At common law the voluntary giving or receiving of anything of value in unlawful payment of an official act done or to be done." 119 P. 901, 907. See Model Penal Code A. 3401. Commercial Bribery is statutory expansion of the crime to include the breach of duty by an employee in accepting secret compnesation from another in exhcange for the exercise of some discretion conferred upon the employee by his employer. See, eg. Model Penal Code Ar. 224.8; New York Penal Law Art. 180


link 5.12.2005 19:13 
In other words, in the original question it is not necessary to include 'color of office' as it is implied by the word 'налоговиков' (tax officials?). Also, if you look at my posting from Barron's, the law has expanded to include ANYONE not just persons under the 'color of office'.


link 5.12.2005 19:13 
But it is a nice expression :))


link 5.12.2005 19:14 
Вообще, в других определениях в Гугле bribery - и туда, и сюда. Но мне за последнее время попадалось несколько текстов из этой сферы, и там они разводили эти понятия также, как и у Блэка. Но вот, справедливости ради:

Definitions of bribery on the Web:

the practice of offering something (usually money) in order to gain an illicit advantage

Bribery is the practice of offering a professional or an authority person money or other favours in order to circumvent ethics or other rules in a variety of situations. It is a form of corruption and is generally illegal, or at least cause for sanctions from one's employer or professional organisation.

is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any thing of value either in the UK or overseas to influence an action of an official.

An offer of money, goods or services to a person in order to persuade him or her to perform an action, in many cases illegal, in the interests of the person offering the bribe

A corrupt activity in which a person offers or receives goods, money, services, etc. to sway a persons opinion, action, or decision.


link 5.12.2005 19:19 
Irisha, there has to be a hierarchy of reference books. Most online resources, other than texts of laws and statutes, are written by folks like ourselves and give rather generilized definitions. Barron's is a resource used by most lawyers, as it sites actual Codes, Statutes and legal rulings with references thereto. It is a dictionary of legal facts, which are used by lawyers to argue one way or another before a judge.


link 5.12.2005 19:21 
Полностью согласна, но просто, чтобы Анатолию не было так ... обидно. :-)

 Анатолий Д

link 5.12.2005 19:25 
Irisha, kath

As far as I understand, in Russia, bribery can be committed by a public officer (должностное лицо) only. The Commercial Bribery from Barron's is "подкуп"
This is why our undertanding "under the color of office" is implied by both "tax officers" and "взятка". On the other hand, extortion may be committed by anyone.
Perhaps, it would be more accurate to call "взятка" something like "official bribery" to ditinguish it from commercial "подкуп"?

Каску не снимайте на ночь.

 Анатолий Д

link 5.12.2005 19:27 
"не было так ... обидно"

Нет, я не вижу причин для обиды, если оставить только Barron's, а все остальное отправить сами знаете куда.
У меня все складывается четко в голове (пока V не пришел).


link 5.12.2005 19:44 
Анатолий, да я с каской вообще уже не расстаюсь.

Вот Вам еще из Блэка (и теперь уже совсем не должно быть обидно :-):

Bribery. The corrupt payment, receipt, or solicitation of a private favor for official action. Bribery is a felony in most jurisdictions....

commercial bribery. 1. The knowing solicitation or acceptance of a benefit in exchange for violating an oath of fidelity, such as that owed by an employee, partner, trustee, or attorney. 2. A supposedly disinterested appraisers acceptance of a benefit that influences the appraisal of goods or services. 3. Corr5upt dealing with the agents or employees of prospective buyers to secure and advantage over business competitors.

(одевая бронежилет) extorting bribes (under the color of office - хотя в этом, по-моему, уже нет необходимости, но уж больно нравится :-).

На сегодня это мой последний вариант.

Сама себе: "Is that your final answer, or are you still holding out hope that a brain will suddenly grow at the end of your spinal cord?" (с)

 Анатолий Д

link 5.12.2005 19:48 

(в т.ч. что бронежилет не помешает)


link 5.12.2005 19:52 
Слушайте, прекращайте меня пугать на ночь глядя! Не хватало, чтобы я еще ночью проснулась от собственного крика: V! V!

"И приснится же такое" (с)


link 5.12.2005 19:56 
It would appear that a regular person can 'bribe' an official (as in Black's example)? Or are you saying that bribery became the norm in Russia and it is now legalized extortion? As in all the 'ekspress servis' windows at GAI, passportny stol, militia posts, etc?

I am being pigheaded. I think it's time to close this subject. At least until V gets here :)

 Анатолий Д

link 5.12.2005 20:01 

Sorry, of course, I mean RECEIVING bribes can be committed by an officer only. The same applies to extortion as it is a part of bribee's activity.
I do not mean institutionalized bribery, that's another issue.


link 5.12.2005 20:36 
Можно я свое скромное ИМХО выскажу - вдруг да отведу скалку от иришиной головы, и мне это где-нибудь зачтется :-)

Почти на интуитивном уровне - ситуация здесь ИМХО ближе к extortion, чем к bribery. По крайней мере, "indicted on extortion charges" ИМХО как-то чаще встречается в отношении судей и прочих наделенных властью сделать человеку плохо, а "indicted on bribery charges" - ИМХО чаще в отношении всяких законодателей и прочих способных сделать человеку хорошо :-) И потом bribery charges вроде бы могут быть both ways - в смысле и дающему могут быть предъявлены, и берущему, а уж с extortion таких сомнений ИМХО не будет.

 Анатолий Д

link 5.12.2005 20:45 

Я так понимаю, что мы вот что выработали:

A criminal investigation case was opened/initiated against/with respect to the detained tax officers, suspected of extorting a bribe [under the colo[u]r of office].

то есть это и с Вашим пониманием увязывается.


link 5.12.2005 20:54 
(украдкой смахивая слезу) Тронута. Очень. Зачтется (хотя... что с меня можно взять? Но.. чем богаты :-)

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