

link 29.09.2019 12:46 
Subject: notice of election
Before the Investor files a Request for Arbitration or a Short Answer (as the case may be), the Investor may give the Company a notice of election, requiring that a dispute on whether or not the Investor failed to act in accordance with sub-clause _____  be submitted to binding advice by an independent expert (the "Independent Expert"), as set out in this sub-clause ______ . Arbitral proceedings initiated by the Foundation will be automatically aborted on the date of the notice of election in accordance with this sub-clause ______.


По смыслу - уведомление о привлечении независимого эксперта.


(не напишешь же "уведомление об избрании"?)



link 29.09.2019 12:52 
А о "выборе" не подойдёт?


link 29.09.2019 13:33 
Кстати, наверно, пойдет. А в тексте будет расшифровано, что это такое.


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