

link 14.08.2019 16:40 
Subject: It looks like a 12-tread width right there.
Снова всем доброго вечера! Подскажите, пожалуйста, что это за шина?


link 14.08.2019 17:19 
Если речь, и впрямь, идет об автомобильных шинах, то могу порекомендовать англоязычный сайт "Tire Tech Information" с их подробной спецификацией: https://www.tirerack.com/tires/tiretech/techpage.jsp?techid=46 . Статья называется "Tire Tech: Tire Size Guide".

От себя: tread depth - глубина протектора, глубина рисунка протектора;

tread width - ширина протектора (в мм или дюймах/inches, if you think of measurements in inches)

Удачи в гонках на "hot tracks"! Шины оттуда?


link 14.08.2019 17:51 
The article you have there contains a lot of car mechanics'/racing drivers' jargon/slang, of which this is just one example.

I'm not a car mechanic, but in the US, tread depths on rubber tires* are still often measured in imperial units (eg 32nds of an inch), so it's possible that tread widths are too. Therefore 'a 12-width' may possibly be an informal/slang way of referring to a tire tread with a width of 12/32" or 12/64". That's just an intelligent guess, though.

Many professions in the US still use imperial units of measurement. UK engineers began gradually switching to the metric system 40+ years ago under the influence of Europe, and since then most professions have changed to the metric system. On both sides of the Atlantic, whether imperial units are still used or have been replaced by metric ones, varies from one profession to another. However, generally the UK has become more 'metric' than the US.

* шина = 'tire' (US); 'tyre' (UK).


link 14.08.2019 18:15 
ну, 12 мм это узковато, наверное, всё-таки 12 дюймов. Спасибо! да, откуда, сказать не могу, сорри : (


link 14.08.2019 18:28 
.... or possibly just 12 inches (= 1 foot ≈ 30cm), if it's a wide (racing-car-type) tyre.


I'll leave others to decide.


link 14.08.2019 18:29 
begemot3: Sorry -- I didn't read your last post.


link 14.08.2019 20:07 
"всё-таки 12 дюймов" -

размеры шин указываются в дюймах http://www.hoosiertire.com/assets/Curcuit Racing 4 20 17.pdf


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