

link 14.05.2019 11:05 
Subject: Wall Liner и wallpaper size construct.
Инструкция по поклейке нетканых обоев

Hanging Nonwoven Wallcoverings

Wall Liner Installation

Install the wall liner in a horizontal manner. This will help to eliminate any existing wall. It will also ease the removal of the wallcoverings in the future. When the walls are dry they should be sealed using a wallpaper size.

И вот еще:

Wall Preparation

The walls must be clean, dry and free from grease, dirt, mold or and any loose material. Apply a stain killing primer if necessary. Then apply a primer specifically designed for wallcoverings installation and wall protection. Allow primer to dry then seal the walls with wallpaper size.

Что значит здесь Wall Liner? Это обойная лента? Бордюр? Порожек? Т.е. горизонтальная лента, которая наклеивается по верхнему краю обоев?

И что такое wallpaper size в данном случае?

Благодарю заранее.


link 14.05.2019 12:06 
1a)  'Wall liner' is paper applied to a bare (plaster-covered) wall as a base before you paste wallpaper onto it. So you apply the wall liner first, let it dry, then apply the wallpaper on top of the wall liner.


1b)  'Install the wall liner' just means 'Put the wall liner on the wall'/'Glue the wall liner to the wall'.


2)  The 'size' in 'wallpaper size' means 'thin glue', not размер(ы). For some reason the glue on wallpapers is referred to in technical English as either 'size' or 'sizing' (they're both nouns). The verb is 'to size' (wallpaper, a wall etc).


See here: http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/size_1 and click on either 'English: size2' or 'American: size2'.


3)  There's a word missing after 'This will help to eliminate any existing wall'. It should probably read 'any existing wall (defects/cracks/imperfections)'.


4a)  'wallcoverings' here = wallpaper, fabrics used to cover walls etc.


4b)  'designed for wallcoverings installation' is an over-technical way of saying 'designed for covering walls'.


link 14.05.2019 12:11 
Огромная БЛАГОДАРНОСТЬ johnstephenson :)

Как считаете, можно ли перевести "Wall Liner" как "подложка под обои"?


link 14.05.2019 12:34 
The English is slightly over-technical. Strictly speaking you don't 'install' wallpaper, you 'apply' or 'paste' it (to a wall). You can also 'hang' wallpaper if it's applied vertically.


How to apply wall liner (also known as '(wall-)lining paper'): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LOfAoP4Mg8


You get the idea.


PS: I don't advise on En-Ru translations – only on (some) Ru-En ones, as I don't have native-level Russian. Others on this forum do, though, so should be able to help you.

 Amor 71

link 14.05.2019 12:35 
Помню, мы стены сначала обклеивали газетой, а потом уже сверху лепили обои. Сейчас продается бумага в рулонах. Размером как обои, гладкая и тонкая. Кажется, называется подложка или основа.


link 14.05.2019 12:48 
Also – minor detail – it should read 'dirt, mold or and any loose material'.


link 14.05.2019 14:08 
To johnstephenson: THank you. You helped me so much :)

Amor 71 Благодарю Вас :)


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