

link 5.06.2017 8:18 
Subject: Black gruel gen.
Boiled black gruel - что за каша такая? Гречка? Кто-нибудь встречал в таком значении?


link 5.06.2017 8:52 
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gruel Rice gruel.jpg
Rice gruel
Alternative names porridge
Type Porridge
Serving temperature Warm
Main ingredients Cereal (oat, wheat or rye flour) or rice, water or milk
Variations Congee
Cookbook: Gruel Media: Gruel

Gruel is a type of food consisting of some type of cereal—oat, wheat or rye flour, or rice—boiled in water or milk. It is a thinner version of porridge that may be more often drunk than eaten and may not need to be cooked. Historically, gruel has been a staple of the Western diet, especially for peasants. Gruel is often made from millet, hemp, barley or, in hard times, from chestnut flour or even the less bitter acorns of some oaks.

Though its actual medical use is not proven, the importance of gruel as a form of sustenance has historically been considered for the sick[1] and recently weaned children. Hot malted milk is a form of gruel, although the manufacturers of such products as Ovaltine and Horlicks avoid calling it gruel, owing to the negative associations attached to the word in popular culture, as in Charles Dickens's novel Oliver Twist. From a literary, bourgeois, or modern point of view, gruel has often been associated with poverty. Gruel is also a colloquial expression for any watery or liquidy food of unknown character, e.g., pea soup. The word soup is derived from sop, the slice of bread which was soaked in broth or thin gruel.[2]


link 5.06.2017 8:52 
Может "тюря" подойдет?


link 5.06.2017 9:09 
Вот не знаю правда ли это, но нашлось такое
Yet because of their battle prowess, all Greeks wanted to eat like Spartans. Dionysius, king of a Greek colony, once imported a Spartan cook to prepare the infamous black gruel, which consisted of pork, blood, and vinegar. When the cook presented the dish, Dionysius spat it out and reprimanded the chef. But the clever cook advised the king that the two main ingredients were missing – the very ones that made the concoction taste so good to the Spartans. What were they? – asked the king.


link 5.06.2017 9:17 
Когда-то из сказок братьев Гримм узнал для себя слова "котомка" и "похлёбка".
Думаю, что похлёбка - это то самое слово тут.


link 5.06.2017 10:27 
ежели это отсюда
"She brought me some boiled black gruel and told me that Father was still working at the Admiralty and would not be home until late in the evening."
то явно гречневая каша


link 5.06.2017 11:20 
каша из черной фасоли?


link 5.06.2017 11:23 
с тем же успехом из чёрного риса или чёрной чечевицы
но ведь контекст - перевод с русского...


link 5.06.2017 12:49 
но ведь контекст - перевод с русского...

откуда инфа?


link 5.06.2017 13:35 
выше я привела ссылку
сорри, забыла убрать s
вот более читабельный вариант
если и не перевод, то в любом случае реалия


link 5.06.2017 20:26 
Erdferkel убедили, черная каша - гречка. Спасибо за ссылку http://yourmeal.ru/2016/04/06/chernaya-kasha/


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