

link 27.02.2017 10:23 
Subject: insurance registration organizations gen.
Добрый день!

Добью тему страхования :)

insurance registration organizations - что это за организацие такие?

A special online insurance services section was then set up in October 2014 to create a better service environment by making online tasks even more convenient for insurance registration organizations (mostly employers) and further diversifying the online services available. As of the end of June 2016, more than 242,000 insurance registration organizations had used the system, and they were reporting 1.4 million changes in information on average per month, or more than 75% of all changes filed, through the online system.

Заранее спасибо.


link 27.02.2017 18:37 


link 27.02.2017 19:52 
да) спасибо за подсказку.


link 27.02.2017 19:56 
да вроде бы как раз НЕ "страхователи" (те называются insurers или insurance companies или insurance carriers или insurance providers)

а эти какие-то реестровые конторы. х\з


link 27.02.2017 20:03 
Страхователь - лицо или учреждение, к-рое, страхуя себя, производит страховые взносы.

Вот здесь можно посмотреть, что за организации:

Вроде как раз подходит под описание.
Но в любом случае, я перевела описательно, как раз на основании информации из этого документа.


link 27.02.2017 20:03 
страхователь и страховщик - не одно и то же)


link 27.02.2017 20:03 


link 27.02.2017 20:27 
ну это традиционная ошибка, когда под страхователем понимают страховщика (в последнем еще и ударение интересное)


link 28.02.2017 0:41 
It seems to be a strictly Taiwanese legal term relating to registering for National Health Insurance, the state-run, compulsory tax-funded health insurance scheme there.

How much you pay, if anything, depends partly on your income. When you start a job/change jobs, your new employer (or sometimes a trade union) must register you for NHI with the Ministry of Health, and so legally becomes the 'insurance registration organization'.

As the term is probably only used on Taiwan, you may need to invent a translation for it.

 Amor 71

link 28.02.2017 1:12 
And in this particular case "insurance registration organizations" basically are all organizations and businesses that have employees.
insurance registration organizations - организации, регистрирующие/оформляющие страховки на работников.


link 28.02.2017 2:12 
Yep. It seems to include anyone who employs someone, from huge corporations to one-man businesses, as well as trade unions, local village/town councils (for people who are unemployed with no relatives) and also local NHI offices -- which, presumably, explains why there are 242,000 of them.


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