

link 7.02.2017 20:14 
Subject: generated familiarity gen.
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести. "generated familiarity"
Слово встречается в следующем контексте:
In order to minimize variability beyond the main experimental manipulation, each learning
session provided exactly 20 minutes of exposure to the lyrics. In addition, speed of presentation
and the number of repetitions were controlled. The teacher was aware that spoken prose is typically
faster than sung prose and was careful to slow down her natural rate of speech to equate
the two conditions. Children in each group received 20 exposures to the lyrics before testing
began. The repetitions generated familiarity, which should support the song advantage (Calvert
& Tart, 1993).
Заранее спасибо!


link 7.02.2017 20:22 
В результате повторений возникала узнаваемость.


link 7.02.2017 20:29 
развивалось узнавание


link 7.02.2017 20:38 
точно, спасибо вам!

 Amor 71

link 7.02.2017 23:15 
Точно, но не по-русски.
повторением достигалась усваиваемость.


link 8.02.2017 5:15 


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