

link 17.06.2016 11:46 
Subject: ASAP completion of commissions - условие прекращения договора gen.
Добрый день всем!
помогите понять вот эту фразу из раздела об условиях и случаях прекращения договора (здесь по сути доверенность = CONTRACT OF AUTHORITY).

upon completion of commissions to Principal’s recognition and acknowledgement

Договор прекращается после подтверждения Доверителем выполнения полномочий???

completion of commissions ??
полномочия же не могут быть завершены, они могут быть отозваны.
Или возможно commissions можно понимать как поручение, мол, сделал дело, завершил договор??

Заранее спасибо!


link 17.06.2016 12:05 
прекращение действия дог-ра после подтверждения Доверителем выполнения поручения?


link 17.06.2016 13:04 
по признании и подтверждении Доверителем исполнения (доверенным лицом) поручений .


link 17.06.2016 13:30 
'to Principal's recognition' and 'to Principal's acknowledgement' aren't correct English -- or there could be some punctuation missing.


link 17.06.2016 13:34 
спасибо!! большое!


link 17.06.2016 13:36 
'ASAP' usually means 'as soon as possible', of course, but if that's what it means here, then based on the limited text (context) you've provided, it's in the wrong position.


link 17.06.2016 13:37 
to johnstephenson = текст составлен на Сейшеллах нотариусом, никаких доп. знаков препинания нет.


link 17.06.2016 21:55 
Spiro: Interesting. Apparently they speak English on the Seychelles (as well as French and Creole) -- but I've no idea whether they use a local form of it, or use 'standard' UK/US English. Without seeing more of the text it's difficult to say exactly how well-written or well-formatted it is.


link 17.06.2016 23:13 
John, it looks like the original language was 'upon completion of commissions to Principal’s (reasonable) satisfaction', with 'reasonable satisfaction' later replaced with 'recognition and acknowledgement'. Someone contributed this 'improvement' and clocked billable time. As simple as that. You've seen that many times, haven't you?


link 17.06.2016 23:52 
Duplessis -- It could be. Yes, 'to do (sth) to (s.o.'s) satisfaction' is perfectly OK, but 'to (s.o.'s) recognition/acknowledgement/eternal happiness' certainly aren't. They could have thought "Well, you can put 'satisfaction' there, so you can obviously put any noun there" -- but you can't.

The text could have been changed by someone as you say, or it could be a poor translation into English, or it could have been written by someone who's less-than-fluent in English, or maybe that's how they talk in the Seychelles? Who knows....

 Peter Cantrop

link 18.06.2016 10:11 
upon completion of commissions to Principal’s recognition and acknowledgement
после признания Принципалом того, что Агент выполнил полностью свою миссию


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