

link 11.05.2016 10:27 
Subject: restaurants' personnel gen.
Требуется ли апостроф после слова restaurants' в словосочетании restaurants' personnel (персонал ресторанов)


link 11.05.2016 10:33 


link 11.05.2016 10:34 
restaurant personnel


link 11.05.2016 10:36 
Огласите весь список, то есть все предложение (приблизительно).

ИМХО, если имеются в виду конкретные рестораны, то почему бы и не поставить апостроф?

Интересный вопрос.


link 11.05.2016 10:42 
=если имеются в виду конкретные рестораны=
а если не имеются, то, как вариант, restaurant workers


link 11.05.2016 11:00 
речь идет о ресторанах вообще, без конкретики: "Система обучения персонала ресторанов"


link 11.05.2016 11:08 


link 11.05.2016 11:13 
Consider: restaurant staff training system


link 11.05.2016 11:44 
Я вспомнил, что, к примеру, artist's paints пишется иногда с апострофом, притом artist - без артикля, хоть и в единственном числе. O_o

The next stage in the development of artist's paints occurred in the United States. In the 1920s and 1930s, the first crude latices that could be used as vehicles for ...

 Amor 71

link 11.05.2016 12:54 
To indicate the possession of inanimate objects, give preference to "of" phrase not the apostrophe form.
e.g : "the roof of the house" is far much better than "the house's roof," which allots the house with human qualities. Inanimate objects cannot possess anything. Consequently, we say (and write) "the handle of the door" not "the door's handle". In the above examples the prepositional "of" phrase explains the connection between two inanimate objects.
However, today some grammar guides say that it is "generally unobjectionable" to use an apostrophe and an "s" to show possession of inanimate objects. But still in most cases "of" makes up for a more natural expression:
The color of the night vs the night's color.
The mirror of the soul vs the soul's mirror.


link 11.05.2016 14:50 
Спасибо за Ваши мнения! Нашла текст, где используется restaurant's menu, но restaurant employees))) http://www.thestreet.com/story/13160233/1/top-14-secret-menu-items-at-fast-food-restaurants.html


link 11.05.2016 14:57 
It's an interesting issue from grammar and style standpoints.

I've just dug up some discussions on StackExchange. Here's one:



link 11.05.2016 15:09 
I almost forgot! I announced a bounty on StackExchange for a similar question:



link 11.05.2016 16:24 
The apostrophe could be used to great effect in poetry though:
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.

Just pronounce it: rifles-rapid-rattle.


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