

link 21.03.2016 16:07 
Subject: "concentration of an ionic buffer solution" biol.
The physiochemical characteristic may depend on a solution condition. The solution condition may be an aqueous solution condition. The solution condition may be a temperature. The solution condition may be a pH. The solution condition may be an ionic strength. The solution condition may be an antibody concentration.

The ionic strength of an aqueous solution of antibody may be set in whole or in part by the concentration of an """ionic buffer solution""" in which the antibody is present. An example of an """ionic buffer solution""" may be a histidine acetate buffer solution. The solution condition may include solute concentration. The solute concentration may include antibody concentration.

1. Что обозначет "ionic" в определении "ionic buffer solution" во фрагменте: ионная сила водного раствора антитела может частично или полностью определяться концентрацией """ionic buffer solution""", а зтем идет определение "ionic buffer solution may be a histidine acetate buffer solution"
2. solution condition - параметр раствора?



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