

link 19.02.2016 10:56 
Subject: full agenda int.rel.
On the Union’s full agenda, the relations with Belarus and the other WNIS were however overshadowed by the EU’s internal evolution and the gradual integration of East Central Europe into the Western institutional structures.


link 19.02.2016 11:09 
К примеру, насыщенная...


link 19.02.2016 11:28 
Что касается политики (Евро)Союза в общем,...
Похоже, выше по тексту говорилось о каких-то частных вопросах/направлениях европейской политики.


link 19.02.2016 21:59 
'To have a full agenda' = to have lots of issues/problems to sort out/discuss/deal with.

Meaning: 'The Union had plenty of issues to sort out, including its relations with Belarus and the WNIS [Western newly-independent states]. However, these were overshadowed by the EU's ....'

('On ....'s full agenda' followed by 'however' is an unfortunate construction to use here, as 'on' can often mean 'on the subject of'. As a result the sentence appears at first sight to be a clumsy joining-together of two separate sentences. It's only when you read the paragraph a second or third time that you start to understand it).


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