

link 9.02.2016 18:08 
Subject: The foregoing bonus criteria of Section 4B(2) (a), (c) and (d) assume, and the bonuses thereunder are conditioned on, the Client (as of the date that respective bonus is payable) not being otherwise prevented by legal, regulatory or similar impediments from substantially actually benefiting gen.
Уважаемые переводчики! Помогите, пожалуйста, перевести предложение! Никак не могу собрать его в одно целое :-(
The foregoing bonus criteria of Section 4B(2) (a), (c) and (d) assume, and the bonuses thereunder are conditioned on, the Client (as of the date that respective bonus is payable) not being otherwise prevented by legal, regulatory or similar impediments from substantially actually benefiting (i.e. being able to use the increased quotas), as the Client may reasonably expect, from X's meeting such bonus criteria.

Заранее благодарю


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