

link 3.12.2015 4:17 
Subject: ask or point it out to participants to use sec.sys.

(Click) - Indicate this exercise will take about 10 minutes.
Split the participants into 3 groups, assigning one type of stress prevention technique (before, during, and after) to each group.
Direct them to page 14 in their participant guide for the scenario they will use.
Give them 7-8 minutes to read and come up with examples.
Afterward have each group share their examples for their prevention type with the class to promote class dialogue.
Encourage participants to record examples/techniques in their participant guide
During the group sharing look for dialogue regarding who/what some of the resources were that could be used for stress management.
If this isn’t brought up, be sure to *ask or point it out to participants to use* as a transition to the lesson objective.
“Stress management techniques are just one resource you can use.
Another is knowing the requirements for issuing SWPs .”


link 3.12.2015 6:09 
я думаю, вы логически неверно разбили фразу
or point it out to participants
to use as a transition to the lesson objective
Так должно быть понятнее.

 Oleg Sollogub

link 3.12.2015 6:29 
Исходник кривоват.
Здесь речь о "ресурсах" из предыдущего предложения.

Если это не упоминалось, то есть о полезных ресурсах никто ничего не сказал (If this isn’t brought up), спросите (be sure to ask) или обратите на ЭТО - то есть на полезные ресурсы - внимание участников (or point it out to participants), используя это как переход - или переходя таким образом - к теме занятия (to use as a transition to the lesson objective)

 James Hadley Chase

link 3.12.2015 10:25 
trtrtr 3.12.2015 9:09 link
я думаю, вы логически неверно разбили фразу
or point it out to participants
to use as a transition to the lesson objective
Что хотел сказать этот человек? В чём его помощь?


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