

link 26.11.2015 6:37 
Subject: tuned to и sub-dataset geophys.
Помогите перевести tuned to, sub-dataset, dataset и в нижеследующем контексте:

The error minimization is first performed on each of the twelve datasets individually, whereby the constants abcd can be tuned to each dataset, and the output is combined afterwards.

The constants abcd are first defined for each individual sub-dataset and subsequently for the entire data set. When constants abcd are tuned to sub-datasets, the correlation coefficient for permeability predictions from DIA is R2 = 0.75, and when constants abcd are tuned to the entire dataset it is R2 = 0.53.

Заранее спасибо!

 Oleg Sollogub

link 26.11.2015 7:01 
data set - набор данных, множество данных
subset - подмножество

постоянные abcd можно подобрать для каждого набора данных
постоянные ... подбираются для подмножеств данных


link 26.11.2015 8:06 


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