

link 2.04.2015 7:51 
Subject: all-gear transmission, cam style take-up gen.
Добрый день!

Кому-нибудь попадались такие словосочетания, как "all-gear transmission" и "cam style take-up"? Какая-то особая зубчатая передача и какое-то особое натяжное устройство....


In additon to the dual gathering head system, the machine is equipped with single rear conveyor drive or optional dual rear conveyor chain drive. A cam style take-up automatically provides proper conveyor chain adjustment as the conveyor swings.

Patented OPTIDRIVE AC electronics are coupled to a compact all-gear transmission to provide smooth
and reliable performance. Cutter motor feedback control loops and an electronic traction motor differential
optimize sump performance in even the most demanding of applications.


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