

link 22.01.2015 11:58 
Subject: нужен перевод помогите плиз gen.
it was those stretches of order that could sometimes her endless life difficult


link 22.01.2015 12:04 
It was those stretches of order that could sometimes MAKE her endless life difficult


link 22.01.2015 12:10 
да так


link 22.01.2015 12:13 
it was those stretches of order that could sometimes (MAKE) her endless life difficult

Именно эти нарушения порядка усложняли ей жизнь, которая казалось бесконечной (как-то очень приблизительно, потому что трудно что-нибудь понять без контекста)


link 22.01.2015 12:16 
скорее что-то вроде именно те наполненные порядком отрезки жизни, нет?


link 22.01.2015 12:18 
Наверное, вы правы


link 22.01.2015 12:19 
да спасибо, а то в голове никак не складывалось
Совсем в Плешке студенты обнаглели.

 Supa Traslata

link 22.01.2015 12:26 
В Плешке? А написано - Оксфорд.


link 22.01.2015 12:27 
there was to see and been nearly everithing there was to be
Да чего стесняться-то? Конкурс перевода на то и конкурс, чтобы с миру по нитке собирать.

2.1. Прозаический текст

Lotus was old. Older than the universe. And older than the universe that had come before that. And the one before that. She’d lost count of how many universes she’d seen come and go. They all tended to bleed together, follow the same basic trajectory from birth to collapse. The details might differ, but the end result was always the same. Chaos, then order, then chaos again. The chaos parts were safe and quiet, something she always looked forward to. It was those stretches of order that could sometimes make her endless life difficult. But even those instances were brief. She usually ignored them, finding ways to kill the time.
Since the dawn of this universe, she’d seen everything there was to see and been nearly everything there was to be. She’d swum the ocean depths as a plesiosaurus and spent several hundred years as cave moss. She’d been there to see the invention of the wheel, the first flint ax, several hundred ice ages repeated over and over again on planets now dead and long forgotten. On this planet, she’d been there for the rise of the Roman Empire, the fall of Camelot, every Chinese dynasty, the Dark Ages, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution. She’d marveled at the wonders of the written alphabet, the discovery of fire, and Velcro. And she’d witnessed the horrors of Genghis Khan’s conquering hordes, the Spanish Inquisition, and the Pet Rock craze.
She’d seen every wonderful advance and every boneheaded mistake of humanity and nature repeated ad infinitum to the point that the whole world felt like a script she’d read a thousand times before. And it was. Yet inevitably, despite these mistakes, the universe would continue to advance its own misguided agenda. Humanity was only the latest tool toward that goal.
She could not allow that. There was a balance to the universe, a way things were supposed to be. And every so often she had to remind the universe of that natural order. And if she had to remove humanity from the equation… well, it wouldn’t be the first time a species had to be removed.
On the positive side, she didn’t feel nearly as bad about this as when she’d had to undo the dinosaurs.
Lotus sat in her kitchen, drinking tea, communing with the stone. Everything was recorded within it because everything sprang from it. Without its vital energies feeding the existence of the cosmos, there would be no cosmos. If one bothered to look deep enough into the stone’s depths, one could read the history of the atoms themselves, and of the tinier parts that made those atoms, and so on and so on. Vast and incomprehensible histories that were beyond imagining.
She wasn’t interested in any of that. She already knew most of it.
The stone told her what she wanted to know, albeit reluctantly. It had grown resistant lately, even a bit tricky. It couldn’t hide from her the information that the time was near for the next ascendency. Very near. Even without the stone, Lotus could feel it. She’d seen the pattern often enough to recognize it.
The ascendency was close. She was in the right place; the usurper lived somewhere in this city. And she knew the usurper’s first name, but it wasn’t quite enough to go on.
Judy was a very common name, after all.


link 22.01.2015 12:33 
На конкурс человек должен сам, иначе нечестно


link 22.01.2015 12:42 
Иначе улетучивается сам смысл конкурса

 Supa Traslata

link 22.01.2015 12:43 
А за зарплату человек тоже должен сам? А иначе - т.е. как tr3 Озу - нечестно?


link 22.01.2015 12:46 
Если вы спрашиваете меня, то помогая Озу, я не чувствую несправедливости (или когда кто-то помогает мне). Конкурс - нечто другое. Работой мы занимаемся вынужденно (если не придираться по мелочам к формулировке), а в конкурсе можно не принимать участие или принимать по мере способностей (и в результатах конкурсе это будет отражено).


link 22.01.2015 13:03 
Я текст ребенку в школу в меру того как помню язык со времен проживания в англоговорящей стране, но то что вы еазвали перевожуеазвалиастницей конкурса и от этого зависит моя зарплата это мне , а вообще ксли есть лексливозможность пож. Скиньте ссылку на перевод этого текста, уже не могу больше


link 22.01.2015 13:04 
Написала полную ахинею с телефона


link 22.01.2015 13:06 
Вообщем текст этот, нужен перевод, в конкурсах не учавствуем, зарплата зависит


link 22.01.2015 13:11 
И вообще почему нужно было что то коментировать, я просила отдельные отрывки, начались коментарии про плешку, зарплату и какие то конкурсы, чушь полная, ребенку в школу задали сижу перевожу, и всего то, а вообще лестно

 Supa Traslata

link 22.01.2015 13:15 
Какая прелесть (с)


link 22.01.2015 14:31 
ваенга пусси срач детектед! :)


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