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link 3.10.2005 13:10 
Subject: OFF - gaydamak
does anyone here know anything about arkady gaydamak?
(anmd please dont tell me to Google it - i need to know if you have heard of him and what you have heard (and pelase dont google it first))



link 3.10.2005 13:16 
Never heard of the guy


link 3.10.2005 13:16 
кажись олигарх такой...

but i am not sure :(

excuse my ignorance...


link 3.10.2005 13:16 
Gay? Damak? That's all Greek to me :)) must be a relative of Gaydar, a Soviet writer...


link 3.10.2005 13:16 
Hope thats not too disappointing for you :))


link 3.10.2005 13:18 
for those who have answered, can you tell me if you are Russian or not?
if you dont want to say, thats fine.


link 3.10.2005 13:19 
Полагаю, на израильских русско-язычных форумах о нем будет куда больше информации. А так - миллиардер из "новых израильских", с весьма мутным (а куда ж без этого) происхождением капиталов. Новоявленный владелец ФК Бейтар (не исключено, что именно у него в команде всплывет уволенный с поста гл. тренера "Алании" Исхак Шум).


link 3.10.2005 13:20 
www.vedomosti.ru/newspaper/ article.shtml?2005/05/18/


link 3.10.2005 13:20 
gogolesque, i am russian


link 3.10.2005 13:21 
Дарина, аскер строго-настрого запретил это имя в сети искать, Вы разве не поняли? :)


link 3.10.2005 13:24 
here's the deal, i have to do a sort "report" related to the guy and i am looking gathering, in various areas from people in various fields, what they know of him if anything (before you look him up)


link 3.10.2005 13:25 
so far it seems like not many of you here know who he is .... interesting....

 Little Mo

link 3.10.2005 13:26 
never heard of the guy / I am Russian
BUT - you've already asked about him and got an adequate albeit brief answer from V: http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=ForumReplies&MessNum=29408&L1=1&L2=2
scroll down to the last response
I don't need to google - if I see something once, i just remember it


link 3.10.2005 13:30 
you should have read the question you referenced:) my question here is COMPLETELY different and has NOTHING do with me asking how to translate something aatatched to his name. try to pay more attention :)

 Little Mo

link 3.10.2005 13:33 
gogolesque: i repeat once again: scroll down to the last response

Thought of the day: some people are just too confrontational for my liking...


link 3.10.2005 13:37 
maybe, gogo is the guy, so he keeps everyone busy trying to remember his name? :) from here to eternity, eh?


link 3.10.2005 13:38 
Little Mo:
and i REPEAT, i DO NOT need to know who he is! I KNOW who he is and the answer on that post is not very detailed or informed or all-emcompassing. and i REPEAT - try to pay more attention :)


link 3.10.2005 13:44 
anyone with anything useful to add, please do so.... i really would appreciate your answers
1. have you heard of him or no?
2. are you Russian?
any other comments, please keep to yourselves. This is serious research, so please....


link 3.10.2005 13:46 
gogo, тренируйтесь на мышках, решили тут соцопрос устроить за счет нервов форумчан. некрасиво.


link 3.10.2005 13:46 
did you ever attended anything like sociology 101 ? ;&)


link 3.10.2005 13:46 
russian lawyer here :))) asked some people around the office - nobody ever heard of the guy


link 3.10.2005 13:47 
Разумеется, я - русский. Why?


link 3.10.2005 13:47 
and to add to this Good Manners 101 ?


link 3.10.2005 13:47 
1) never heard of the guy before
2) i am Russian

 Little Mo

link 3.10.2005 13:48 
gogolesque: charming manner as well... something must have convinced you that you can order people around in a free forum!

игнор + чёрный список

 Snail 64

link 3.10.2005 13:48 
1) yes 2) Russian


link 3.10.2005 13:50 
Гоголеск - я Вам про Аркадия постил уже пару месяцкв назад, когда Вы про него уже спрашивали.
Сделайте поиск по форуму - если хотите найти мой ответ.

Человек он - известный.
Инфы про него во всем мире - полно.

Поищите на французских сайтах (его французы в розыск объявляли), на сайтах про алмазы и про "фрегаты".
Он их когда-то невесть кому продавал.

Также помогал французской разведке освобождать французских заложников в Чечне.

Все это - абсолютно открытая инфа.
Просто не ленитесь - делайте поиск.
Если это Вам , конечно, нужно... :-)


link 3.10.2005 13:50 
в игнор его.

P.S. I'm a black indian chinese-thai mixed blood born in Chili. No pasaran!


link 3.10.2005 13:55 
to anyone who took the question seriously, i am grateful to you for your answers.
justboris: i do not need sociology 101 or good manners 101 - my manners were jsut fine - i answered an attack from someone who has been on my back for a few days here in the forum - your manners, however, i can say are not so good considering you directly ignored a polite request only to answer teh question at hand :)))

V. read the issue at hand again - i did not need to know who is :) i already know :)


link 3.10.2005 13:55 
это просто опрос поситителей форума Мультитрана "знаете ли вы кто такой Гайдамак" ?

Мой вопрос к гоголеск про социологию свызан с тем, что имхо выборка нерепрезентативная...

 Little Mo

link 3.10.2005 13:56 
Aiduza: LOL!!!


link 3.10.2005 13:58 
да, вероятно, диагноз верен: в игнор её.



link 3.10.2005 14:02 
2 Айдуза Извините, не поняла. А почему?


link 3.10.2005 14:03 
V, Little Mo, Aiduza:
you are all very senstive people who i think put too much emotional stock in the forum (especially considering no one has insulted you half as much as you have attacked someone) good luck with your careers :) (and i do mean that)


link 3.10.2005 14:03 
and that's you call polite request? well...
First, to put it lightly, you were not able to formulate your question clearly. That's why many ppl were confused and answered rather you who A. Gaydamak is, rather then do they know who he is or not. Your reaction to their posts were just plain rude, I am affraid to say.

Second, it is quite easy to guess, what kind of conclusion you would like to get from your so-called "research"...


link 3.10.2005 14:09 
Ох...напали на бедную девушку.
Гоглеск, отвечая на Ваш вопрос:
а)я не знаю, кто такой А. Гайдамак (и знать не хочу, судя по словам V.)
б) живу я в России, хотя я этнический немец :))))


link 3.10.2005 14:12 
i think the question was clear enough to begin with if you read carefully.
if you sincerely think that my responses were rude, i do apologise, but that is one problem with informal communication - sorry to have offended anyone here - i NEVER mean to do that.

and i think it is not for you to say what conclusion i would like from this - i actually got the opposite of what i expected. and you should not be so brazen as to call something so-called "research" if you do not have all the information yourself


link 3.10.2005 14:22 
1) Never heard of him
2) I am British


link 3.10.2005 14:24 
1) nope
2) yep


link 3.10.2005 14:28 
1) узнала на форуме, когда кто-то (вы, наверное) спрашивал
2) да


link 3.10.2005 14:34 
1)Фамилию слышала, но почему-то думала, что это какой-то модный писатель, честно :)

2) Да

 ashtray girl

link 3.10.2005 14:35 
1)The name seemed familiar. Probably I've heard of the guy, though I'm not sure
2)I'm Russian


link 3.10.2005 14:43 
you are not entirely wrong- he has written some books, but books related to antiques and art (he is a big fan of it)

anyhow, thanks to all for the answers.... this is an internal project of the company i work for and we have appreciated the responses --- i think they expected more people (with higher educations) to know who he is.... :)


link 3.10.2005 14:52 
я думаю, все безумно рады узнать мнение вашей компании об их информированности. проводите такие опросы почаще!


link 3.10.2005 14:59 
why do you have to throw filth when someone is saying thank you?


link 3.10.2005 15:04 
а потому, что терпеть не могу, когда смайликами прикрывают наезд. "моя компания искренне верила, что русские люди умнее!" и куча смайликов.


link 3.10.2005 15:07 
no, my company did not say that and i did not mean that - they just thought more that 99 % of all russians know who he --- try not to read so much into things... you took the comment the wrong way and for that i apologise. i was not trying to say that my company thinks anyone is stupid or anything of the sort.
the results are just interesting. and i only put smiley faces to let people know that no offense in intended.... when i want to be rude, you wont see a smiley -- trust me on this.....


link 3.10.2005 15:09 

хмм, а я не вижу в предложении gogolesque ТАКОГО смысла. читайте внимателнее


link 3.10.2005 15:13 
если Вы заметили, наезд на этой ветке был замечен не только мной. совет: выражайтесь яснее, если действительно "no offence meant". до свидания.


link 3.10.2005 15:16 
2 ALL:
i never mean anyone any offense and i wish people (esp. Little Mo, Aiduza) would stop finding/looking for offence or rudeness where there is none..... this is an informal way of communication (lacks facial expressions, intonation, etc... ) and no one should ever take something they read so personally.
If anyone has been upset by my words, i sincerely apologise. but please do try not to be so sensitive in the past. i have read many things on this formum worse than my comments here.


link 3.10.2005 15:23 
gogo, don't cast pearls ))) when people want to feel offended, they will, nothing can be done about that, and the more polite you are and the more you apologise, the more some people will feel like throwing mud at you. hope you have collected at least some data for your survey ))


link 3.10.2005 15:31 
thanks! :)


link 3.10.2005 18:07 
Странные люди .....
По-моему, вопрос был сформулирован вполне вразумительно. И чего на человека наехали, не пойму
По поводу вопросов, если это еще актуально
1) имя смутно знакомо, но в жисть бы не вспомнила, кто это и где я про него слышала, может здесь же на форуме промелькнуло
2) Русская


link 3.10.2005 19:17 
Еще ответ:
1) нет, кроме как на МТ-форуме
2) Если это по поводу этнич.происхождения или родного языка, тогда частично да, если по поводу места проживания или гражданства, то никак нет


link 3.10.2005 19:25 
Gee... never seen such kind of reaction on my beloved forum (not this one). An interesting thread in psychological terms anyway.
1. The name is kind of familiar, but no clear associations unfortunately.
2. Native Ukrainian living in Russia.


link 4.10.2005 6:24 
Право, господа, откуда столько агрессии? Если кого-то так раздражает определенный ник или пост, ну пропустите, не отвечайте, Вас никто не заставляет...Отрицательную энергию надо высвобождать на тренажерах или битьем подушек, а никак не на форуме, тем более, когда задается такой простой вопрос...
Если ответы еще нужны:
1) давно слышала, точно кто такой не помню, по-моему из большого бизнеса
2) русская


link 4.10.2005 6:36 
Похоже, каждый второй форумчанин периодически испытывает потребность нападать/защищаться/защищать, а так хочется какой-то умиротворенности....


link 4.10.2005 7:00 
помните (если смотрели) Miss Congeniality, когда гл.гер. спрашивают на конкурсе, что она хочет)) она выдаёт длиииинную тираду, а потом спохватывается и добавляет: ..and world peace!


link 4.10.2005 7:01 
Где-то так. :-)


link 8.10.2005 8:45 


link 20.10.2005 22:34 
gogolesque said:

"V, Little Mo, Aiduza:
you are all very senstive people who i think put too much emotional stock in the forum (especially considering no one has insulted you half as much as you have attacked someone) good luck with your careers :) (and i do mean that)"

gogolesque, they are not sensitive people. Они полные жлобы и совки.


link 21.10.2005 5:04 
2 wow, Varia ;) you may apply your words to yourself :)
and mb you should do a little research and at least read previous posts of V, Little Mo, Aiduza, and gogolesque as well... :)

2 gogolesque: recently Gaydamak finally became famous in Russia,
because his deal - buying a Moscow News (I would say - "damsel in distress" at that moment) brought a huge wave of comments by Russian and international mass-media. The ironic fact is that although his bio was published in many versions many times in most of Russian newspapers, non of them ever mentioned his "antique books" that he 'wrote'. Besides that, I can only add that as far as I know he wrote only one book - "Russian Empire" ...


link 21.10.2005 7:06 
1. нет, никогда не слышала;
2. нет, не русская и проживаю за пределами России.


link 21.10.2005 7:43 
1. No, I have no idea who this guy may be. I must say, though:
I do NOT read TV
I do NOT watch radio
I do NOT listen to newspapers
Oh, and Internet Mass Media doesn't bother me, either.

2. Russian, yes, although not educated one..


link 21.10.2005 22:01 
justboris said:
"2 wow, Varia ;) you may apply your words to yourself :)
and mb you should do a little research and at least read previous posts of V, Little Mo, Aiduza, and gogolesque as well... :)"

I've just gone throu' it once again, following your advice, and what I found was that I became adamant in my first opinion about those people. If you read all this from the very beginning you'll share my opinion, no doubt. But read it thoroughly and you'll find how those people started jumping on gogolesque for nothing.
Так что, жлобы и совки!!!

So, you apology won't hurt me.

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