

link 18.11.2014 7:13 
Subject: constitution law
Подскажите, пожалуйста, что в данном отрывке из устава может означать слово constitution:

Any Director or the Secretary or any person appointed by the Directors for the purpose shall have power to authenticate any documents affecting the CONSTITUTION of the Company and any resolutions passed by the Company or the Directors, and any books, records, documents and accounts relating to the business of the Company, and to certify copies thereof or extracts therefrom as true copies or extracts; and where any books, records, documents or accounts are elsewhere than at the Office, the local manager and other officers of the Company having the custody thereof shall be deemed to be a person appointed by the Directors as aforesaid.


link 18.11.2014 8:57 
Если в тексте не дается определений слову Constitution, и при этом сам документ имеет название, отличное от Constitution, назовите это уставными документами.


link 18.11.2014 9:05 
Не дается, отличное, спасибо )


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