

link 9.05.2014 14:12 
Subject: Wholesale Routing gen.
Перевожу сайт компании Logik Communications, предоставляющей услуги мобильной связи.

Сайт компании http://www.logikcommunications.com/

Wholesale Routing
We can provide reliable and fully-redundant, carrier-grade Wholesale Termination on an extensive voice network. Our outbound termination service, which supports all codecs, allows our customers to take full advantage of the best available call quality and volume discounts. Our cutting-edge solutions enable enhanced IP service providers to offer long distance VoIP access to residential and commercial customers.

Domestic Wholesale Termination (US & Canada)
Our domestic Wholesale VoIP Termination provides access to dozens of the industry's top SIP termination carriers.
We aggregate each providers' Wholesale SIP Termination service using our proprietary LCR (least cost routing) system, providing our customers with one low cost and high quality wholesale SIP termination offering.

International Wholesale Termination
Our International Wholesale Termination to fixed and mobile destinations across the world offers highly competitive rates to over 200 countries and thousands of destinations. Inquire today to learn more about our International Wholesale Termination.

Можно ли перевести "Wholesale Routing" как "межмагистральная маршрутизация" (то есть маршрутизация между магистральными линиями связи )? Вот дополнительный контекст (из другой книги), где описано, что такое "Wholesale Routing" : ROUTING
Routing and switching mean different things to different people.
For example, both terms apply to switching and transmission facilities.
Routing in the circuit switched or voice services world means
that a call is routed according to service configuration parameters
in a PBX or end office switch. For example, least-cost routing
is established when the originating switch is programmed to use the
least expensive route between the origination point and termination
point for a telephone call. Alternate routes may be a point-to-point
private line, a virtual private network (VPN), or the public network,
where the private line is the lowest and fixed cost, the VPN is the next
least expensive, and the public network is the most expensive.
Wholesale routing of traffic occurs when the traffic is moved from
one transmission facility to another. For example, traffic normally
routed from New York to Atlanta may go direct, but an alternate
route may pass through Cincinnati. A national fiber ring might have
a southern route and a northern route, as a regional ring might
have an eastern route and a western route. Traffic normally on an
Intelsat transponder facility might be moved to another route using a
transponder on a PanAmSat satellite.
In the data world, routing becomes more of a technical issue because
of the underlying network technology. From a classical perspective,
data networks were built using leased or private line facilities provided
by carriers on a 24/7 basis at fixed prices. For an enterprise
with a headquarters located data center and several field operations,
private or leased lines are used to connect computer terminals to the
data center. Depending on the number and geographic locations, all
the field offices may be connected directly to the data center in a
home run arrangement. However, if two or three of the remote
operations were physically close to one another, it may make sense
to hub them into one common location, aggregate traffic, and connect
to the data center over a common facility. In this case the hub
becomes a routing point. All traffic from the other nearby locations
is routed through the hub to the data center.


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