
 sergey ivanov

link 24.02.2014 20:03 
Subject: subject of investigation и target of investigation gen.

Have you ever been ordered to produce documents for any criminal investigation or been the subject of a search (with or without a warrant) relating to any criminal investigation? You should include all matters even where you were not the subject or target of the investigation or was convicted.

Has any firm at which you currently hold or have held a position of influence (please see notes to understand ‘position of influence’) ever been convicted, summonsed, charged or investigated for any criminal offence? You should include all matters even where the charge or prosecution of investigation did not result in a conviction even where the firm itself was not the subject of the investigation.

На форуме тут уже задавались подобные вопросы, но внятного ответа не было предоставлено. По одной из ссылок было найдено следующее:

A "target" is a person as to whom the prosecutor or the grand jury has substantial evidence linking him or her to the commission of a crime and who, in the judgment of the prosecutor, is a putative defendant.

A "subject" of an investigation is a person whose conduct is within the scope of the grand jury's investigation.

Получается, что "target" - наиболее вероятный "кандидат" на роль обвиняемого, а "subject" - просто участник расследования. Юристы, прошу помощи! Также буду рад любым соображениям.

Мой вариант: target - подозреваемый, а subject - свидетель или потерпевший.


link 26.02.2014 15:50 
target - не подозреваемый
подозреваемый - suspect

см. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Person_of_interest
"Normal Justice Department parlance for subjects of investigation includes "suspect," "subject" and "target." "


link 26.02.2014 16:16 
русских терминов найти не удается)))
относит. "subject - свидетель "
свидетель - это witness
см. доп. инфо на англ.
What is the difference between being a subject/target and being a witness for FGJ?
According to the US Manual on Grand Juries: ..... There is very little difference between target and subject. Both must be made aware by the prosecutor if they receive a subpoena that they are either the subject or target of a FGJ. They also cannot be given use immunity, so they can exercise their 5th amendment right (and thus choose not to testify).
A witness has none of these rights.


link 26.02.2014 16:52 
еще немного инфы

статус subject'a "ниже", чем статус target'a, -
Subjects frequently have their status upgraded to target when prosecutors get new information.....


link 26.02.2014 17:10 
а зачем здесь дословный перевод? subject и target здесь просто синонимы и не несут особого смыслового значения
возьмите привычную русскому уху кальку, типа
"в отношении фирмы не проводились следственные действия" или "фирма не являлась предметом расследования"


link 26.02.2014 17:26 
тогда уж .....ОБЪЕКТОМ расследования )))

а зачем здесь дословный перевод? +100


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