

link 18.02.2014 18:57 
Subject: "New Age Nurturers" gen.
Здравствуйте, уважаемые коллеги,

Помогите, пожалуйста, придумать удобоваримый термин для понятия New Age Nurturers.

Это, насколько я понял, группа потребителей, которую характеризуют определенные предпочтения и привычки:

"New Age Nurturers form the affluent center of the Baby Boom generation, according to Forrester. Their consumerism often starts mainstream trends, such as the popularity of SUVs, natural fiber clothing, and fresher grocery produce. In their purchase choices, they seek value first, rather than discounts."

Спасибо за помощь,



link 18.02.2014 19:18 
понимаете, чтобы "придумать термин", нужно сначала look at the whole picture of consumer segments.

там же не так все просто:
Combining Lifestyle, Technology Attitude, And Income Results In 10 Different Segments
Income and technology attitude are the main predictors for technology adoption. In general, the takeup of new technology proceeds in three demographic stages: Early adopters like Fast Forwards are the first wave; mainstream consumers like Digital Hopefuls or Techno-Strivers come next; and laggards like Sidelined Citizens bring up the rear.
The differences between the 10 segments can be described as follows:
Fast Forwards. These people want to master their physical environments and have the money to do it. They are willing to invest in the products and experiences that will assure their material futures and signal their superior status.
New Age Nurturers. Members of this group want to and have the means to provide a secure future for their family members and other loved ones, and they will use technology to stay connected, protected, and safe because they can afford it.
Mouse Potatoes. These individuals want to be stimulated and entertained, whether passively or actively. The key goal is to use their superior means to experience new things they are confident are theirs for the taking.
Techno-Strivers. These people aspire to be like Fast Forwards and will invest in status-oriented products and experiences beyond their means as a way to signal their ultimate aspirations for themselves. If it doesn't show, Techno-Strivers say no.
Digital Hopefuls. Digital Hopefuls prioritize and invest time in creating a secure environment for the people and causes they love. They will use cheaper versions of advanced things rather than wait for the best versions to come down in price.
Gadget Grabbers. Members of this segment think like Mouse Potatoes but have to content themselves with cheaper ways to scratch the same itches, turning to quick-fix experiences and products to get a stimulus high.
Handshakers. These individuals rely on historical markers of status and control to get what they need and show how important they are. They do not feel the urge to explore innovation but prefer to prop up the status quo that has served them so well.
Traditionalists. Traditionalists expect that the products and services of the past will help them provide security to their loved ones and favorite causes. They seek safety and derive satisfaction from ensuring it for those they love.
Media Junkies. These individuals live between two worlds — they have the urge to experience new things but without the confidence that innovation will benefit them. They prefer to receive stimulus rather than seek it out; for this, TV is a good friend.
Sidelined Citizens. Members of this group still have different motivational states from each other, but their relative lack of resources and lower confidence in the benefits of material innovation override those motivations and cause them to behave in ways that are very similar to one another, retreating from opportunities to improve their circumstances for fear of losing what little they have.

то, что называется "почувствуйте разницу". и варианты предлагайте.

P.S. понравилось образное "mouse potatoes". хорошо звучит...


link 18.02.2014 19:34 
Это все очень познавательно, но, насколько я могу судить, к нашим обществам такое разделение не имеет никакого отношения. Потому аналогии проводить не с чем. Что предложить вместо этого, пока что не придумал. А сроки, как обычно...


link 18.02.2014 19:43 
ну так это ("познавать") Вам же вроде и поручено :))...или как?


link 18.02.2014 19:59 
Вы охх... как мне помогли! Спасибо


link 18.02.2014 20:05 
вот так вот вам, Wolv... готовый ответ на блюдце с синей каймой принес? нет? пшол нах, помощничег


link 18.02.2014 20:07 
Ash, в любой непонятной ситуации ложитесь спать.))


link 19.02.2014 8:01 
А покажите-ка, где я прошу готового ответа.


link 19.02.2014 8:38 
Ладно... Сраться нет желания. Прошу простить, если кого обидел. Перейдем к конструктиву. Что вы скажете на такой вариант: "Обеспеченные консерваторы"?


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