

link 23.01.2014 13:52 
Subject: Обшить коробом из гипсокартона gen.
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Обшить коробом из гипсокартона

 Alexander Oshis moderator

link 23.01.2014 13:58 
Без контекста: to hide in a gypsum board casing/ casing made from gypsum board.


link 23.01.2014 14:25 


link 23.01.2014 15:29 




link 23.01.2014 15:31 
From the smallest dent to large holes of a foot or more, there are several ways to fix surface defects on your walls. Drywall (also known as wallboard or gypsum board) is the material most commonly used for interior walls. It is also easier for the average homeowner to patch and repair drywall and it is quicker to install than plaster.



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