

link 13.08.2013 14:14 
Subject: Big guys and biker dives lit.
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Big guys and biker dives
Выражение встречается в следующем контексте:
She ignored it all, moving around the tables until her forward progress was blocked by a very large slab of a man. Big guys and biker dives. It was like Oreo cookies and cream filling, except a lot louder and less pleasant. "Hi," she said, looking up and up at him. His grizzled red beard split in a smile. "Hi yourself. You lost and lookin' for some Southern comfort?"
Заранее спасибо.


link 13.08.2013 14:45 
Хотелось бы больше контекста:

На всё это она не обращала внимания и передвигалась между столиками пока путь ей не преградил огромный здоровяк. Большие парни и байкерские пивнушки. Он был похож на двуслойное печенье с кремовой начинкой, только он был более шумным и менее приятным. "Привет," сказала она, поднимая взгляд всё выше. Его рыжая борода с проседью разъехалась в улыбке. "Привет в ответ. Ты потерялась и тебе нужно южного утешения?"


link 13.08.2013 14:55 

Southern Comfort - это ликер, так что тут все не так просто.

А по поводу сабжа все-таки непонятно, почему тут вставлено это предложение. Может, как-то так:
"Ох уж эти байкерские забегаловки, где полно больших [толстых/опасных/наглых??] мужиков"?


link 13.08.2013 15:20 
ruslic, Вот больше контекста (надеюсь не слишком много):
Twenty minutes later Ben stopped the Mercedes half a block from Felipe's. A scattering of Harleys and some very shiny muscle cars lined the street right in front of the bar, and Rick moved closer to her as they walked. As for her, this was like home. She'd grown up in seedy bars where Martin could charm information about prime robberies out of his fellow low lifes. She'd learned to blend in anywhere, but sometimes places like this were the easiest for her.
"Follow my lead, okay?" she asked, stopping just out-side the open door. It was loud and warm and stinky inside, almost like a physical presence.
"To a point."
Squaring her shoulders, she strolled into Felipe's.
Somebody whistled. "Look what just came in!"
"High society has arrived. Get out the champagne, Felipe!"
All eyes seemed to be aimed at her and Rick — okay, at her, since the vast majority of the bar's inhabitants were men. She flashed a calm smile. "Get me a beer, will you, honey?" she asked, sliding a finger along Rick's lapel.
Clearly he didn't want to leave her side, but with a swift, stifled glare he headed for the bar. At nearly eleven o'clock some of these guys had been drinking for five or six hours, though a number of them had just gotten started. Given a choice, she preferred the less-sauced, more reasonable ones, but neither would have been even better. At a bar, though, nice sober gentlemen would be hard to come by — except for the guy at the bar buying her a beer.
"Here, honey!"
She turned, facing the far corner of the place closest to the emergency exit. Lit by the blinky glare of an old jukebox, Walter Barstone sat at one of the peanut shell-covered tables and waved a bottle of beer in her direction. Even after hearing his voice on the phone, seeing him there and knowing — knowing — he was alive sent a rush of relief all the way down to her toes.
"Hey, over here!" one of the bikers echoed.
"No, me! I got somethin' for you, darlin'!"

<предыдущий отрывок>

"No," she returned, settling her weight onto her left foot. "Are you lookin' to become a soprano, tiny?"
"Ooh, a smart-mouth bitch. Why don't you give me a kiss with that smart mouth, bitch?"

lisap, да я чуть мозг не сломала, пытаясь понять, что такое "biker dives", а следом и "Southern сomfort", но склонилась к южному гостеприимству.


link 13.08.2013 16:28 
Что-то типа:
Ну ты же крутишься в мире здоровых мужиков и байкерских пивнушек. Это что-то вроде крема в начинке печенья "Орео", только гораздо вульгарнее и не настолько приятно. "Привет",- сказала она, неспеша переводя на него взгляд вверх. Его борода раздвоилась в улыбке. "Ну здорOво. Ты что, потерялась и хочешь ликерчика?"


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