
Subject: Polypropylene Plant gen.
Propylene is fed to the Propylene Dryer to remove water and other possible unidentified reaction catalyst poisons. A part of dried propylene is cooled by the Propylene Popover Cooler and return to pump suction to keep cool during periods of high pump recycle. Remaining propylene is sent to the reaction system through the Propylene Filter.

Помогите кто знает..что значит Polypropylene Popover Cooler ? интересует слово Popover? Благодарю заранее.



link 10.06.2013 2:06 
Judging by the part tense affix omission in "part is cooled... and return [ed]" and the bizarre "pump suction" used as a noun phrase, this is a translation from Russian into English. Hence, Popover may have a slew of meanings, with causes ranging from an innocuous typo to a psychedelic application of a dictionary.


link 10.06.2013 2:17 
Т.е., ИМХО, тут либо очепятка (pop-over? Popov cooler?) либо странный выбор слова из словаря (охладитель спекшегося пропилена? охладитель оросительный? охладитель пропиленовой массы?)


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