
 Natasha L

link 26.01.2012 3:44 
Subject: "nasty infinity" phys.
Specific technical term in math/physics, meaning infinite big infinity. What is the Russian translation?
many thanks


link 26.01.2012 3:56 
hrrm....is this an official term?
Sounds like a slang definition or an epithet....'cause infinity is absolutely clear - бесконечность, but how "nasty" can be applied to it...
Is there a context?

 Natasha L

link 26.01.2012 4:14 
Yes. Here it is:
"Then there’s one very highly technical term you find in physics documentation called nasty
infinities.Nasty infinites are infinitely large infinities that creeps up in your mathematics, in your equations, in
your conceptual physics. And those are thought to be nasty because when they creep up it's not like
you can just make like it’s not there. It’s an infinitely large quantity; you can’t just sweep it under the
carpet and avoid the whole thing.
quantum field theory gets rid, by a renormalization process, of an energy density in the vacuum that
would formally be infinite if not removed by this renormalization.” (Gravitation; Misner, Thorne,

There is a philosophical term "Дурная бесконечность". Not sure its the same....


link 26.01.2012 4:22 
"Дурная бесконечность" makes sense
"Дурная" can serve as an innocent and proper translation of "nasty"

 Natasha L

link 26.01.2012 4:34 
It does makes sense, but because it is an existing technical term in quantum field theory, I want to make sure its right translation.


link 26.01.2012 4:36 
sarcasm detected ("... one very highly technical term ...")

... бесконечности


link 26.01.2012 4:44 
вотблин, похоже действительно "дурные бесконечности"! =О



link 26.01.2012 4:46 
SW once again +100


link 26.01.2012 4:48 
а чо плюсик-то? я ж к вашему варианту в итоге и не добавил ;)


link 26.01.2012 4:49 
(к вашему - с аскером)


link 26.01.2012 4:50 
зато я на сарказм не обратил внимания, а он очевиден :-)

 Natasha L

link 26.01.2012 5:16 
Ok, guys, I'll go with "Дурная бесконечность", Thank you much!


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