
 Анна Ф

link 1.11.2011 18:43 
Subject: one-bag policy gen.
The one-bag policy implemented by some companies, which was described as “awful from a commercial perspective”, was among those discussed. “A legal solution is possible,” said Johnson, “but requires industry work. If we don’t go along with government in this country our ability to solve this problem is reduced.”


link 1.11.2011 18:50 


link 1.11.2011 18:52 
это про авиакомпании?
почитайте здесь, может что натолкнет...


link 1.11.2011 18:53 
"So my plane leaves at 11:30 PM tonight. Things are much better here today than they were yesterday but they are still pretty nuts. They just instituted a "one bag" policy meaning just what it says - you can take one bag on the plane with you and only one. That was a *** b/c I had two".

Luggage rules?
Тогда буквально переводите.

 Анна Ф

link 1.11.2011 19:00 
да, это я нашла, про одну сумку

 Анна Ф

link 1.11.2011 19:01 
Спасибо всем.


link 1.11.2011 19:17 
напрашивается вариант "политика одного места" ))


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