
 Spineless Hedgehog

link 6.07.2011 20:50 
Subject: Бракосочетание - синонимы, сленг, толкования
Добрый день! Нужно как можно больше синонимов и выражений (в том числе сленговых), имеющих непосредственное отношение к термину "бракосочетание". Заранее спасибо!


link 6.07.2011 20:51 
как тут любил писать один, "город? страна?" ;)


link 6.07.2011 20:55 


link 6.07.2011 21:03 
to tie the knot/tying the knot


link 6.07.2011 21:33 
the Big Day
Your Day
Vowing - сам обряд


link 6.07.2011 21:51 
Geting hitched
the beginning of the end
A Marriage is a lot like a coffin.. And each kid is an extra nail (lol)
get hooked
tie down
hitch up
get spliced


link 6.07.2011 22:00 
get hitched
marriage license
acquire (get) the ball and chain (strapped to my legs)
runaway bride
shotgun wedding
wedding cake

но городской словарик рулит, причем с самого первого значения.
какой кладезь!


link 6.07.2011 22:08 


link 6.07.2011 22:27 
Источник: Roget's International Thesaurus (3rd ed.):
NOUNS 1. marriage, matrimony, wed¬lock, holy wedlock, match, union, tnufri-

state or status, coverture, cohabitation; bed, marriage bed, bridebed; intermarriage, mis¬cegenation; misalliance, mesalliance [F.], ill-assorted marriage.
2. (kinds of marriage) monogamy, monogyny, monandry; bigamy, digamy, deuterogamy; trigamy; polygamy, polyg-yny, polyandry; morganatic marriage, left- handed marriage; marriage of convenience, manage de convenance [F.]; love match; levirate, leviration; companionate marriage, trial marriage; common-law marriage; con¬cubinage.
3. marriageability, nubility, concubi- tancy.
4. wedding, marriage, espousement, bridal, hymen; nuptials, spousals, espous-als, hymeneal rites; wedding song, marriage song, nuptial song, epithalamy, epithala- mium, hymen, hymeneal; wedding veil, saf¬fron veil or robe; bridechamber, bridal suite, nuptial apartment; honeymoon.
5. wedding attendant, usher; best man, bridesman, groomsman; bridesmaid, bride- maiden, maid or matron of honor.
6. newlywed; bridegroom, groom; bride, plighted bride, blushing bride; war bride, G.I. bride [slang, U.S.]; honeymooner.
7. spouse, mate, yokemate, partner, consort, better half [joc.], "bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh" [Bible].
8. husband, married man, man, bene-dict, goodman [arch, or dial.], old man [joc.]; cuckold.
9. wife, married woman, wedded wife, goodwife [arch, or dial.], squaw [Indian], woman, lady [obs. or uncultivated], ma-tron, old woman [joc.], feme, feme covert [law], gray mare [slang], better half, help-mate, helpmeet, rib [dial. & joc.], wife of one's bosom; concubine, common-law wife; bachelor's wife, Coeleb's wife.
10. married couple, wedded pair, man and wife, husband and wife, man and woman, vir et uxor [L.]; newlyweds, brklr and groom.
11. harem, seraglio, serai, gynaeccum; zenana, purdah [both India].
12. miscegenator, misccgenist; monog-amist, monogynist; bigamist, digamist, goodman [arch, or dial.], old man [joc.]; cuckold.
9. wife, married woman, wedded wife, goodwife [arch, or dial.], squaw [Indian], woman, lady [obs. or uncultivated], ma¬tron, old woman [joc.], feme, feme covert [law], gray mare [slang], better half, help¬mate, helpmeet, rib [dial. & joc.], wife of one's bosom; concubine, common-law wife; bachelor's wife, Coeleb's wife.
10. married couple, wedded pair, man and wife, husband and wife, man and woman, vir et uxor [L.]; newlyweds, brklr and groom.
11. harem, seraglio, serai, gynaeccum; zenana, purdah [both India].
12. miscegenator, misccgenist; monog-amist, monogynist; bigamist, digamist, deuterogamist; trigamist; polygamist, po lygynist, polyandrist; Mormon, Turk, Blutv el<
cleia [all Gr.]; Juno, Pronuba [Rom.], Frigg [Norse].
VERBS 15. (join in marriage) татгу, wed, nuptial, join, unite, hitch [slang], Iplice [coll.], couple, match, join together, unite in marriage, join or unite in holy wedlock, tie the nuptial or wedding knot, m;ike one; give away, give in marriage; pub¬lish proclaim or bid the banns.
16. (get married) marry, wed, contract matrimony, espouse, wive, take to wife, take to oneself a wife, get hitched [slang], be spliced [coll.], become one, be made one,
I pair off, go off [coll.], give one's hand to, bestow one's hand upon, lead to the hy-meneal altar, be asked in church, take for I better or for worse; remarry, rewed; inter- I marry, interned, miscegenate.
17. honeymoon, go on a honeymoon.
18. cohabit, live together, live as man and wife, share one's bed and board.
ADJS. 19. matrimonial, marital, con¬jugal, connubial, nuptial, wedded, mar- tied, hymeneal; epithalamic; spousal, hus-bandly, wifely; bridal.
20. monogamous, monogynous, mo- nandrous; bigamous, digamous; polyga-mous, polygynous, polyandrous; morga- lutic; miscegenetic.
21. marriageable, nubile, concubitous.
22. married, wedded, one, one bone imd one flesh.

Извините, за качество. Не было времени отредактировать сканированную копию.


link 7.07.2011 9:01 
А почему никто не вспомнил "to jump the broom"?


link 7.07.2011 9:09 
There are three rings involved with marriage. The engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering.


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