

link 14.06.2011 13:26 
Subject: bushog auto.ctrl.
Братья по литературе!

Что это за свинья в автобусе?

The runtime is shutdown since Genius and/or Status-S data integrity cannot be guaranteed once the IOCHRDY bushog timer has timed out.

General Electric.



link 14.06.2011 13:51 
прожорливый таймер IOCHRDY

Hog : n.,vt. 1. Favored term to describe programs or hardware that seem to eat far more than their share of a system's resources, esp. those which noticeably degrade interactive response. _Not_ used of programs that are simply extremely large or complex or that are merely painfully slow themselves. More often than not encountered in qualified forms, e.g., `memory hog', `core hog', `hog the processor', `hog the disk'. "A controller that never gives up the I/O bus gets killed after the bus-hog timer expires."



link 14.06.2011 14:00 


link 14.06.2011 14:01 
если "прожорливый" не подходит из стилистических соображений, можно сказать "ресурсоёмкий"


link 14.06.2011 14:26 
Благодарю. :)


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