

link 28.04.2011 20:30 
Subject: contract issue drawing construct.
Это один из видов чертежей.Вот определение в контракте:

Drawings and other documentation issued as part of the Construction Contract
Drawings will be revised “Contract Issue” (????????) and will incorporate the result of any design
development during the tender stage or result of any agreed additional duties such as
value engineering prior to the signing of the Construction Contract.
The Contract Issue drawings will still only describe the design intent of the Works, the
working principles of the systems, general arrangements, and principals of services coordination
and the intended methods of installation.
The drawings shall also provide sufficient information for the Contractor to prepare fully
co-ordinated installation, working, manufacturing and builders work drawings all as
defined below

 Alex Nord

link 29.04.2011 1:51 
Пометка "Выпущено для Контракта" - что-то вроде этого


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