

link 31.10.2010 22:02 
Subject: nuclear bulge
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести.nuclear bulge
Выражение встречается в следующем контексте:
The whole region of Kashmir presents a nuclear bulge
Заранее спасибо


link 31.10.2010 23:02 
nuclear bulge - ядерная выпуклость (галактического центра)

The nuclear bulge is the central, spherical part of a spiral galaxy. It is surrounded by a disk-shaped mass of stars with spiral arms.

The whole region of Kashmir presents a nuclear bulge: India and Pakistan
develop their own nuclear strength, Islamic radicals, extremists and fundamentalists also do not stay out of the mainstream involving the states into the conflict of religions, cultures and civilizations; so it is feasible to speak of the so-called domino effect when the actions of one opposing party aggravate the demeanour of the others leading to the state of political clinch.


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