

link 12.10.2010 20:03 
Subject: OFF: игривый английский
Это всем известно:
Пётр Петрович Петухов, поручик пятьдесят пятого Подольского Пехотного полка, получил по почте письмо, полное приятных пожеланий. - Приезжайте, писала прелестная Полина Павловна Перепелкина.---------- ну, и так далее...
Кто-нибудь что-то похожее, игривое, приблизительноe, в английском видел/слышал?


link 12.10.2010 20:07 
World Wide Web


link 12.10.2010 20:10 
Peter piper picked a pack of pickled peppers ...


link 12.10.2010 20:13 
James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher


link 12.10.2010 20:14 
While waiting with Wilf where wild winds went west, William wondered, while wrangling wrists, why women wanted Wayne when Wayne whimsically wished women would wait without withstanding worries. Wondering why, Wilf worried, would wrestle with William's wayward woes.

Источник: http://www.italki.com/answers/question/38167.htm


link 12.10.2010 20:18 
...we wondered what would Winona write =)


link 12.10.2010 20:24 
we wondered what Winona would write- what was wtritten was written with wrong word Order- извините, последнее слово не вписалось :)


link 12.10.2010 20:28 

World Wide Web тронуло до глубины души! Это посильнее "Фауста"... и Дже́ймса Ба́рри


link 12.10.2010 20:36 
Вот что пишут о Питере Пайпере:
I never even got that far in asking the question. I'm still stuck on how it is you pick pickled peppers. I imagine a pickled pepper tree with jars of pickled peppers hanging from branches like a badly decorated Christmas tree. Are pickled peppers pickled on the bush or tree or where ever they come from? Where do peppers come from? Can Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled pickles? I find the whole nursery rhyme fallacious and invalid. Perhaps Peter Piper didn't pick these pickled peppers from a tree but rather picked these pickled peppers from a shelf in a store. Or picked them out of a catalog! Perhaps he perused the pages of a catalog and said; "Perfect! I pick that peck of pickled peppers right there!" I'm thinking whoever wrote this so called story or account was less interested in the facts and more interested in alliteration. A clear case of style over substance.


link 12.10.2010 20:38 
While writing, wistful Winona worried wearily whether watchful silly. Wizard wondered what weird words Winona would write...


link 12.10.2010 20:40 
natrix_reloaded, thanks! .... i noticed it too - after i published it; good thing i could not fix it ;)

Yippie, you're welcome ..... no let me do it right: Yippie, you yearn - you yell! =)

Winona, whole world wondered!


link 12.10.2010 20:42 
Кас. world wide web. Когда-то довелось быть на лекции одного английского профессора, который высказал следующую мысль: If all abbreviations are ment to make life easier and words shorter- then why do we pronounce nine syllables (diuble u double u double u) instead of three (world wide web)?

 Mellon Collie

link 13.10.2010 6:00 
it can be just 'three double u'

 SirReal moderator

link 13.10.2010 6:05 
Why is abbreviation such a long word?


link 13.10.2010 11:49 
Перечитав утром, нашла у себя ошибки. Исправляюсь:
Morning. Monitored my mistakes. “Ment” means meant. Moreover “diuble”. Mamma mia! Must master matchast’…


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