

link 1.10.2010 23:24 
Subject: diet
Здравствуйте, помогите, пожалуйста перевести в данном контексте слово diet:

Thus, the German ordinary courts of first instance have a
somewhat narrower diet than our own.

В предыдущем тексте речь шла вот о чём:
The specialized courts and the constitutional court siphon off
business that Americans would expect to see in the ordinary
courts. Within the German ordinary courts of first instance there
are special divisions that have counterparts in our tradition-for
crime, for what we would call probate, for domestic relations. In
addition, commercial law matters are removed to specialized chambers.

Заранее большое спасибо


link 1.10.2010 23:30 
У них более строгая "диета" по сравнению с нами. или
Их "рацион" не так богат...
Просто образное выражение.


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