

link 29.09.2010 12:22 
Subject: по понятиям

Дорогие коллеги!

Наверняка это замечательное выражение давно уже переведено!
Так как же это сказать - например, "мы с братанами живем по понятиям"?

Спасибо, и простите за дилетантство ))


link 29.09.2010 12:50 
f) relationships within/between criminal groups, lifestyle: жить по
понятиям [to live according to concepts] ‘to obey the criminal code of
behaviour’, (elies.rediris.es/Language_Design/LD6/ryazanova.pdf)
ИМХО: My in-mates and I live according to concepts.


link 29.09.2010 12:52 
нате вам колонку Берди из Moscow Times ,

When the Unwritten Is Better Than the Written
06 February 2009 By Michele A. Berdy

По понятиям: by the code of criminals, by one's own laws or rules

If you ever delve into one of those big tomes on Russian history and culture, you will quickly come across what one author calls дилемма "по закону или по справедливости" (the dilemma of "by law or by justice"). This issue seems to be right up there in the Russian thinker's top 10 favorite obsessions. The dilemma is the gap between true justice and what is meted out by the courts. It's not a uniquely Russian distinction; all over the world people question the justice of their judicial systems. But in Russia, people have tended to prefer their sense of справедливость to the law's sense. It's not new: The expression "где суд, там и неправда" (where there is a court, there is no truth) has been around for at least several centuries.

Not that Russians think the law is always and entirely bad, mind you. Observing it is always a good idea, especially if you are законопослушный (law-abiding). You can say informally: Мы всё делаем по закону (We do everything by the law). Or you can say with gravity: Наша фирма всегда действует в строгом соответствии с законом (Our company always acts in strict compliance with the law). Just step over the people rolling around the floor in hysterical laughter as you exit.

In Russian, if you want real justice, head for the word справедливость. This is when the bad guy gets caught and punished, the innocent are set free and when the truth of a situation has been determined and acted upon. This kind of justice can exhibit features of tough love; a common expression applied to judges, parents and other authority figures is: Он суров, но справедлив (he is tough, but fair).

In English we might use truth, justice or fairness when rendering various expressions using справедливость and related words. For example, По справедливости говоря, он неплохой художник (In all fairness, he's not a bad artist). Or: Я не могу оспаривать справедливость его слов (I can't question the truth of his words).

In addition to these notions of justice, there's also по понятиям (literally, "according to understandings"). As far as I can tell, originally понятия were a code of behavior among criminals. One source defined them as: свод законов поведения и морали криминального мира (a code of laws of behavior and morality for the criminal world).

Now this can refer to a code of behavior and morality specific to a particular group, with the understanding that this code might be at odds with закон (the law) and справедливость (justice) in the common sense shared by most people. If someone says: Они действуют не по закону, а по понятиям, it means they aren't abiding by the law but have taken the law into their own hands. I suppose that in some theoretical, pure language universe, that individual code of law and justice might be finer than what the courts or the rest of us operate by, but in practice it never is.

This can be a bit difficult to understand and harder to translate. Take, for example, this headline: Борьба с парковкой "по понятиям" -- раунд второй. For clarity's sake, this might be rendered: Fighting Illegal Parking -- Round Two. Or this: Самое строгое наказание для нашего человека -- это заставить его жить не по понятиям, а по закону (The worst punishment for our citizen is making him live by the law, not by his notions of the law). Or this: Фирма подписывает договор по закону, а платит по понятиям (The company signs a contract according to the law but pays according to its own unwritten rules).

Theoretically this might mean that they pay more than the contract stipulates, but I wouldn't count on it.


link 29.09.2010 12:55 

оч интересная статья, там понятия так и называются ponyatiya

а вообще:

we brothers live by the gangsta rules

ну а если братки более-менее образованные, тогда вот так

...by the rules of the underworld

а вообще мой совет почитайте песни 2Pac

вот например из одной песни homies live by the rules = братки живут по понятиям


link 29.09.2010 13:08 
Можно и проще - думаю, любой англоязычный однозначно поймет выражение "live by the code", напр.:

"Product Description
Jorge Gomez, a Miami-bred black-Cuban hustler believes in living by the ‘Code’ and dying by the ‘Code’. After serving a 5-year bid on drug-possession charges, refusing the Fed’s offers for him to become a snitch, Gomez gains an early release due to the recommendations of a corrupted Correctional Officer that he’d done favors for while in jail. Though Gomez’ is true to his code of loyalty to his friends and family, he returns to find that Doris, his wife and baby-mama to his two kids hasn’t been faithful to the code. After his release, Gomez decides to relocate, setting his sights on virgin drug territory. He meets Mark Goodman, a drug dealer himself, who helps Gomez get back into the only game he’s ever known. But when the script gets flipped and it’s Goodman needing Gomez, a double-cross creates a deadly situation between the two. Donna Schultz a.k.a ‘Iceburg’ is a real down-a** chick that falls for Gomez, but her wealthy father (Bruce) wants her to have nothing to do with a hood-gangsta. Bruce Schultz (Donna’s dad), a Cadillac dealership owner who long-ago turned his own dirty-money into a respectable business is dead-set on making sure that his daughter will not be put in jeopardy by Gomez’ lifestyle and is willing to do anything to ensure it --- even murder! Having many connections, he enlists the help of Federal Agents and Local Police to try take out Gomez – permanently! Kiki, a life-long friend of Gomez from Miami, is nicknamed ‘The Friendly Ghost’ because of his ability to get into cars, houses and pockets undetected. A true believer of the code, Kiki’s always down for whatever – whenever. Sexy Sandra Perez is a law-school student and in debt to one of Gomez’ boyz (Jimmy). She’s forced to work as a phone-sex operator for Jimmy as a way to repay her debt of school tuition. Gomez has a soft-spot in his heart for Sandra and buys her freedom from Jimmy. Later, when a botched-hit attempt on Gomez’ life fails, Sandra lives up to the code, as she’s now an Assistant District Attorney with crucial information on witness identity that she supplies to Gomez. Gomez has vowed to never see the inside of a jail again! When he learns of a former drug-associate who’s considering becoming an snitch for the Feds, putting in danger everything he’s achieved, it’s time to live by the code, die by the code or kill by the code!"

Источник: http://www.amazon.com/Criminal-Code-Jorge-Landrian/dp/0976600773/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1285762082&sr=1-1


link 29.09.2010 13:23 
Lingvo x3
жить по понятиям (по правилам преступных сообществ) — live by the rules of the underworld


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