

link 7.07.2005 15:46 
Subject: покритикуйте плз
Ребята, первый раз перевожу договор на англ., покритикуйте пожалуйста:
З.Ы. Сорри за укр. вариант:

1.1. .Виконавець за завданням Рекламодавця зобов'язується надати останньому наступні рекламні послуги (далі – Послуги):
1.2. Послуги з розміщення рекламних матеріалів Рекламодавця (далі – Рекламні матеріали) у друкованому засобі масової інформації ХХХ (свідоцтво про державну реєстрацію друкованого засобу масової інформації від 01 березня № ХХХХ, серія Х, наклад ХХХХ примірників) що іменується надалі „Рекламоносій”),
а Рекламодавець зобов‘язується приймати та оплачувати надані Послуги на умовах цього Договору.
1.3. У випадку внесення змін і/або доповнень до договору це оформлюється у вигляді додатків, що є невід’ємною частиною договору. Умови зазначені у додатках вступають в силу з моменту, який в них вказаний. Якщо умови, зазначені у додатках, суперечать умовам договору, то останні втрачають свою силу.
1.4. Умови договору, що суперечать чинному законодавству, є недійсними. Їх недійсність не тягне за собою недійсність усього договору.

мой скромный вариант:

1.1 Executor on the instruction of Advertiser promises to provide the following advertising services (Services):
1.2 Advertising information placement of the Advertiser (Advertising Information) in the printed media “ХХХ” (printed media state registration certificate № ХХХ, from the 01.03, series ХХХ, 5000 circulation copies) – (Ad provider ), and Advertiser promises to accept and to pay for the Services according to the terms of this Agreement.
1.3 If some alterations or addition to the agreement take place, they are reflected in the supplements, that is an integral part of the agreement. The terms specified in the supplements come into force from the moment, mentioned there. If the terms specified in the supplements contradicts to the terms of the agreement, the latter – supplements will become invalid.
1.4 The terms of agreement that contradict the existing legislation are invalid. Their invalidity doesn’t mean the invalidity of the whole agreement.

Заранее очень благодарна


link 7.07.2005 15:50 
"Девушка, вы не ошиблись столиком?" (с)


link 7.07.2005 15:58 
намекаете, что надо-бы на русском, ок:

1.1. Исполнитель по заданию Рекламодателя обязуется предоставить последнему следующие рекламные услуги (далее - Услуги):
1.2. Услуги по размещению рекламных материалов рекламодателя (далее - Рекламные материалы)в печатном СМИ "ХХХ" от 01 марта №ХХХХ, серия ХХ, тираж ХХХ)что далее именуется "Рекламоноситель"), а Рекламодатель обязуется принимать и оплачивать предоставленные услуги согласно условий данного договора.

Ну хоть это, плз!!!!!


link 7.07.2005 16:28 
Нет времени, работу принесли, но быстро ИМХО:

1.1 Upon request of Advertiser /if requested by Advertiser /, Contractor shall provide the following advertising services (Services):

1.2 Placement of advertising materials of Advertiser (Advertising Material) in the ХХХ print media (print media state registration certificate № ХХХ dated March 1, series ХХХ, 5000 copies; hereinafter Advertising Provider),

and Advertiser shall accept and make payment for provided Services herein/ under this Agreement.

1.3 Any amendments to the Agreement shall be supplemented and considered to be an integral part of the Agreement. The terms specified in the Supplements shall come into force from the effective date, set forth in them. If the terms specified in the Supplements are contrary to the terms of the Agreement, the latter shall become invalid.

1.4 The terms of Agreement that are contrary to applicable laws shall be invalid. The invalidity shall not imply the invalidity of the Agreement.


link 7.07.2005 16:47 
спасибо, вобщем стиль мне понятен!!!!


link 7.07.2005 16:47 
в общем, сорри


link 7.07.2005 17:28 
Here is my version: (I would change "Executor" to something else. Executor has a set legal meaning, and it's different from this contect, imho. I would say "Contractor", maybe. Is it "исполнитель" in Russian? Sorry, I don't understand Ukranian that well, so if I wandered too far from the original, sorry.)

1.1 Executor promises to provide the following advertising services (“Services”), on the instruction of Advertiser:
1.2 Placement of advertising information, provided by Advertiser (“Advertising Information”) in the printed medium “ХХХ” (printed medium state registration certificate № ХХХ of 01.03, serial No. ХХХ, circulation: 5000 copies) (“Ad Provider” ), and Advertiser promises to accept and to pay for the Services according to the terms of this Agreement.
1.3 Any amendments to this Agreement shall be reflected in the supplements, which supplements are an integral part of this Agreement. The terms specified in the supplements come into force from the moment stated therein. In case of any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and those of the supplements, the terms of the supplements shall be deemed invalid.
1.4 Any term of this Agreement found to be in conflict with applicable state laws, shall be deemed invalid. The invalidity of any such terms shall not invalidate the remaining terms of the Agreement. (or Invalidity of any such terms notwithstanding, the remaining terms of this Agreement shall have full force and effect.)


link 7.07.2005 17:49 
Jucy, можете писати українською. Допоможу, якщо зможу.


link 7.07.2005 19:51 
Посмотри еще мой вариант:

1.1. Upon request of the Advertiser, the Contractor shall provide the following advertising services (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”):
1.2. Placement of advertising materials of the Advertiser (hereinafter referred to as the “Advertising Materials”) in the XXX printed medium (printed medium state registration certificate No. ХХХ of March 1, series (?) ХХХ, circulation of 5000 copies; hereinafter referred to as the “Advertising Vehicle”); the Advertiser shall accept and pay for the provided Services according to the provisions of this Agreement.
1.3. Any amendments to the Agreement shall be executed in the form of addendums hereto and considered to be an integral part hereof. The terms specified in addendums shall come into force from the effective date set forth therein. If the terms specified in addendums come into conflict with the provisions of the Agreement, the latter shall lose their force.
1.4. The terms of Agreement being in conflict with the applicable law shall be deemed invalid without prejudice to other provisions of the Agreement.


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