

link 5.07.2010 21:28 
Subject: regulated by the seasons
Помгите, пож., первести фразу: "regulated by the seasons".
Контекст: Elisabeth grew up in a charmed world regulated by the seasons. Of grouse shooting (at which Berty's grandfather King Edward the 7th had been a lethal exponent) sometimes accompanied by Berty's father. Yachting at Cowes. Fashionable London parties and small armies of servants. She matured into a handsome young woman, intelligent and with a mind of her own. In the early 1920s there were persistent rumours that Elisabeth was destined to marry Edward, the prince of Wales, Berty's charming but wayward elder brother and the heir to the throne.



link 5.07.2010 21:47 
в мире, подчиненному (строгому) регламенту.


link 5.07.2010 22:30 
А я бы все-таки связал с временами года: охота на тетеревов (осень), парусные регаты (весна-лето), лондонские вечеринки (зима)

Волшебный мир, в котором жила Елизавета, вращался вокруг сезонных увлечений.

Или что-то в этом духе?


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