

link 1.05.2010 6:12 
Subject: give content
Помогите, пожалуйста, перевести фразу:
The impeachment procedure, outlined in the Constitution, has been given content over the two years since its adoption.

Не могу уловить нюанс, да и Present Perfect меня смущает.

Заранее благодарю.


link 1.05.2010 6:27 
...процедура импичмента, прописанная в Конституции, всех устраивала на протяжении более чем двух лет ....


link 1.05.2010 6:42 
Содержание процедуры импичмента (выдвижения обвинения против президента и отстранения его от должности), общие положения которой были прописаны в Конституции, формировалось на протяжени более двух лет после ее принятия.


link 1.05.2010 6:58 
Don't you find it weird that the most important paper of the state gets beefed up on with time?


link 1.05.2010 7:00 
Cодержательная часть процедуры процедуры импичмента, прописанной в Конституции, вырабатывалась на протяжени более двух лет после ее принятия.


link 1.05.2010 7:03 
weird ?... not at all... это непрерывный процесс... never ending story...
...The broad language of Rule lOb-5 has been given content in a steadily increasing number of cases.
...He was simply prohibited from impairing the physical integrity of a unique national symbol which has been given content by generations of his and our ...
...The secondary meaning is the meaning of a word or name that is used as a brand name and that has been given content through marketing communication
...The meaning of the words 'exercising due care' in § 2680(a) has been given content by the Supreme Court in Hatahley v. United States, supra. ...
...Since Lang, this standard for evaluating allegedly deficient performance by counsel has been given content by this Court through case- by-case application. ...


link 1.05.2010 7:08 
First, I do translate what's there to translate and question the contents immediately afterwards noramlly by leaving some pertinent notes in parentheses.
Second, it's widely known the US constitution has some amendments to it, 26 altogether that were added to it over/with time.
Third, the impeachment procedure is a 'tricky' issue (if only for the fact that no US president has ever been impeached and removed from office) so it's no wonder that it keeps the legislator persistently at work to improve or perfect it.
That's it. So Given the above i find it only naturaly and logical rather than weird.


link 1.05.2010 7:22 

Ait. Thanks. Anyway don't forget to write "I" capital.


link 1.05.2010 8:00 
Normally, we are informal and casual on the forum, so 'lower case I' comes with the territory, so to speak. )


link 1.05.2010 8:01 
...you too...:=)))


link 1.05.2010 8:02 
**...you too...:=)))**


link 1.05.2010 8:06 
I've never heard of a 'terrain-lower-ase I' in proper English so to speak.


link 1.05.2010 8:08 
'c' to-da 'ase'.



link 1.05.2010 8:08 
It happens all the time. Just have a peek at their forums and all. Just ask around to be on the safe side.


link 1.05.2010 8:09 
I know it does. Yet I know it's not right.


link 1.05.2010 8:14 
So what we brings us closer to the one of the most fundamental and philosophical issues under sun, what's right and wrong and why the wrong replaces the right or the right gives in to the wrong. )


link 1.05.2010 8:18 
Sometimes I think that you're under the buzz when you post here. )


link 1.05.2010 8:22 
No, most of the time i am just pooped because i overwork too often.


link 1.05.2010 8:26 
Наполнилась содержанием.


link 1.05.2010 8:26 
I cannot picture a chap hanging on the forum most of the time and overwork. )


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