

link 13.04.2010 20:02 
Subject: перевод с англ на рус econ.
The ECB proved to be made up of hard-nosed central bankers, who kept stern anti-inflationary watch and appeared immune to political pressures.

In 2007, before the current crisis, the Euro rose above $1.60, a level that priced most European goods and services well above what economists call "purchasing power parity," or the level that would have been consistent with a comparable cost of living in other developed countries, especially the United States. Wages also rose in these peripheral countries as workers found it easy to compare pay scales in a common currency and demand compensation levels closer to their northern neighbors.


link 13.04.2010 21:36 


link 15.04.2010 8:11 
не понятна фраза: "who kept stern anti-inflationary watch".
До начала валютного кризиса, в 2007ом, Евро возрос до 1,60$, уровня "a level that priced most European goods and services well above what economists call "purchasing power parity,"(паритет покупательной способности) or the level that would have been consistent with a comparable cost (прожиточный минимум) of living in other developed countries" - как это связать все красиво.
далее: "з/п также возросли в этих "переферийных" странах, поскольку единая валюта позволила рабочим с легкостью сравнить шкалы з/п и соот-но затребовать более высокий уровень з/п соседних стран"


link 15.04.2010 8:19 
..которые проводили жёсткую антиинфляционную политику


link 20.04.2010 19:37 
спасибо! :)


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