

link 5.11.2009 6:52 
Subject: Не слишком ли по-русски?
В Уфе, во Дворце культуры «Нефтяник», открылись сразу две выставки: XVII специализированная выставка-ярмарка «Красота и здоровье» и Х юбилейная специализированная выставка-ярмарка «Текстиль и мода».

Two exhibitions at once have opened in Ufa Neftyanik Palace of Culture: the 17th specialized exhibition fair "Beauty and Health" and the 10th jubilee specialized exhibition fair "Textile and Fashion".

Не слишком ли по-русски звучат выставки, я имею ввиду порядок слов: определяющее слов "Название выставки"?



link 5.11.2009 7:00 
может так?
Ufa-(based?) Neftyanik Palace of Culture hosts two exhibitions: the 17th Beauty & Health Specialized Trade Fair/ Trade Show and the 10th (Anniversary?) Textile and Fashion Trade Show.


link 5.11.2009 7:03 
I would revise it as follows:
Two exhibitions have opened in the Ufa Neftyanik Palace of Culture: the 17th Beauty and Health dedicated exhibition fair and the 10th anniversary Textile and Fashion exhibition fair.


link 5.11.2009 7:13 


link 5.11.2009 7:21 
не надо dedicated exhibition fair
просто trade fair/trade show


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