

link 13.08.2009 9:40 
Subject: stepdoor interviews
Hello everybody!

I need your help: I’m translating the Crisis Stimulation Preparation document.
This is a kind of training which is a Crisis Stimulation game.
The question is: Do you know what is stepdoor interviews?

6. What you have to prepare
Laptop, Beamer & Screen, & Portable CD Player (‘getto blaster’ type, being able to play loud and clear) to be placed in conference room
Flip-Overs for Conference Room: 2 for each team + 1 for facilitator (so 5 in total), to be placed in conference room + pencils
Cameraman, with camera and light + tv screen, for stepdoor interviews (If we choose for this, otherwise we will ask the participants to do a press conference)

There might be a misprint as the person who made this document is not a native speaker


link 13.08.2009 9:57 
doorstep interview - интервью на пороге
Иногда необходимо взять интервью, застав собеседника врасплох, например, когда кто-то покидает собрание или появляется на заседании суда. Возможно, снимать в этой ситуации придется без штатива; возможно даже, что вам придется идти вслед за интервьюируемым. Находитесь близко и будьте осторожны с микрофонным кабелем! Даже если вокруг много журналистов, попытайтесь прокричать полезный для вас вопрос. Это придаст большего веса репортажу.
Some kind of "exit poll", but not on exit, but on entrance?


link 13.08.2009 10:02 
думаю, вы правы, так как проведение этой обучающей игры предполагает наличие role players:

For each team there will be two role-players (in a separate room). In other words: if working with two teams we need four role-players in total.

We would like to ask you to identify these role players in your own market. Preferably from your PR agency you’re working with (know how to act as journalists, can ask difficult questions, useful to involve them as well…), but (senior) people within the organization would be great as well

For each team we need two role players, one man and one woman. (two teams = two men and two women) These role players must have some ‘acting’ skills and should like to play different types of people (different voices, using some drama) and speak English well. We will brief the role before the simulation starts; this will take about 2 hours.


link 13.08.2009 10:03 
То есть снимать события во время имитации кризисной ситуации прямо "по ходу", как вы и описали.


link 13.08.2009 10:09 

looks like it is just specific for the game which description you are translating. may be it is a game to help in overcoming complexes.
so i would give word-for-word translation
интервью у порога.
we would appreciate if you could give us some more context.


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