

link 17.06.2009 8:26 
Subject: low-wood-use stoves busin.
Подскажите пож-та перевод фразы "low-wood-use stoves" в след. контексте:
Examples of such practices and technologies include solar technologies (e.g., solar panels, cell phone chargers water pumps, cookers) panels, micro drip systems, or low-wood-use (e.g. Lorena) stoves.”

Мой вариант:
Примерами таких технологий и методов могут быть гелиотехнологии (например, солнечные панели, зарядные устройства мобильных телефонов, водяные насосы, кухонные плиты), солнечные батареи, микро оросительные системы или ?????? печи (например, Lorena).”



link 17.06.2009 8:34 
печи с низким расходом дров


link 17.06.2009 8:35 
печи с низким потреблением дров.


link 17.06.2009 8:39 
с низким потреблением древесного топлива )))
например печи Лорена. оказалось - лоуюз - лажа...
Lorena adobe stove
The Lorena adobe stove was designed as a simple-to-build cook stove for use in Central America, one that could be manufactured locally of local materials. The name of Lorena stove comes from the combination of the two Spanish words lodo and arena (meaning mud and sand) as the stoves are basically a mix of the two. It became very popular in Central America, with anecdotal evidence suggesting that it is the most popular improved cooking stove in the region. The Lorena stove is an enclosed stove of rammed earth construction, with a chimney built onto it.

The Lorena stove was designed with the mistaken belief that rammed earth would act as insulation; there was a basic misunderstanding of the difference between mass and insulation. Good insulation resists the passage of heat; thermal mass does the opposite, it absorbs heat. Testing has shown that the rammed earth used in the Lorena stove does absorb heat, heat that should have gone into heating the cooking pot.

The designers, Aprovecho, now state: “The Lorena has been tested over the years by many researchers and has generally been found to use more firewood than an indoor open fire. The stove has other attributes. Its chimney takes smoke out of the kitchen and it is well liked. It is pretty and a nice addition to the house. It is low cost and can be repaired and even built by the home owner. But, it is not a fuel saving or low emission stove.”


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