

link 1.05.2009 7:18 
Subject: rogress out of Poverty Index busin.
Кто-нибудь знает перевод терминов:
Progress out of Poverty Index
Cashpor Housing Index
Общий контекст: Where to find information about your social objectives. Client information.



link 1.05.2009 13:24 
Poverty Index, видимо, "индекс бедности — статистический показатель, который характеризует динамику средневзвешенной величины «порога бедности».
Про CASHPOR Housing Index в русском гугле особо ничего не попадается, но встретилось, например, такое CASHPOR -Кредитование и сбережения для хронически бедных
Описания встречаются такие: "The CASHPOR Housing Index is a cost effective method to identify poor households through visual inspection from the road or lane outside the house."
"As with the CASHPOR housing index, a cut-off score of total points is established to separate the houses of the poor from those of the non-poor."
CASHPOR (the group of companies) is known for its innovation, having developed the widely used Cashpor Housing Index as a means of identifying poor people so that they can be targeted and provided financial services.

Вот тут конкретный пример:
CASHPOR has been a pioneer in developing the Housing Index. It created a composite index known as the CASHPOR House Index using the size of the house, its structural condition, the quality of walls, and the quality of the roof. It scores houses based on:
1. Size (Small: 0 Medium: 2 Big: 6)
2. Structural condition (Dilapidated: 0 Average: 2 Good 6)
3. Quality of walls (Poor: 0 Average: 2 Good: 6)
4. Quality of roof (Тhatch/Leaves: 0 Tin/Iron sheets: 2 Permanent roof: 6)
Исходя из этого, может быть, показатель/индекс качества/состояния жилья Cashpor Housing Index ???


link 1.05.2009 13:42 
Огромное спасибо за ваши комментарий, Mumma!


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