

link 30.04.2005 7:55 
Subject: самодеятельность
there is no context - i know, sorry - , but how would u translate самодеятельность. by way of background, there is going to be a концерт творчечкой самодеятельностий, посвященный 60-летию Победы. i can't even say this with a straight face without cracking up, and in the conеext of an international company it becomes downright burlesque.


link 30.04.2005 8:13 
LingvoUniversal (Ru-En) (к версии Lingvo 10)
художественная самодеятельность amateur art activities ; amateur theatricals ;

Словарь Смирницкого - рус.-англ. (Мультилекс)
самодеятельность ж.
1. independent action, spontaneous activity
2. (художественная) amateur talent activities pl., amateur performances pl.
вечер самодеятельности — amateurs' night


link 30.04.2005 8:16 
И еще: http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=phr&q=самодеятельность&L1=2&L2=1


link 30.04.2005 8:31 
thanx, solidrain, talent show would not be too far off then, would it? any ideas?


link 30.04.2005 8:34 
I'd say it will be pretty close (if not spot on).


link 30.04.2005 8:50 
thanx, solidrain, now i can aller m'endormir


link 30.04.2005 16:33 
You could also call it 'Amateur performance' or 'Amateur Theatre/er'. Also, I would probably not call it a 'Talent Show' as it presumes some sort of a win with an award at the end.

as in this dictionary defintion (www.webester.com):

Main Entry: talent show
Function: noun
: a show consisting of a series of individual performances (as singing) by amateurs who may be selected for special recognition as performing talent

Even though it states "may be selected", I tend to think of my high school and Daria Jones trying to belt "I Will Survive", a nightmare I'm still reliving.


link 30.04.2005 17:19 
Just thought of another reason I would abstain from using 'talent show'. A talent show showcases a succession of performances, as in a series of individuals or small groups doing their own individual, separate, complete performances. A 'koncert tvorcheskoi samodeyatel'nsti', and correct me if I'm wrong, can consist of separate numbers (as is different song/dance sequences) but there still is an underlying theme. Whereas, a talent show does not have to have an underlying theme or any common thread between the performances and/or performers.


link 2.05.2005 3:45 
actually, there r prizes, and no common thread tying it all together into a unifying theme. anyhoo, it is too late to quibble, i have already sent it out to the client. :(((((


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