

link 27.01.2009 21:06 
Subject: Chancelier des Universités ed.
Пож-та, подскажите, что это за должность - Chancelier des Universités ??? Франция
Each university is to a large extent autonomous, and has its own President and administration. It must be noted, however, that in accordance with the French principle of centralization they remain loosely grouped under the distant supervision of a Recteur, appointed by the Ministry of Education, who is in charge of the whole educational system in the region of Languedoc-Roussillon, and thus, under the additional title of Chancelier des Universités, of the four universities, with the inclusion under his jurisdiction of the Université of Perpignan founded in 1979 from an existing university college.


link 27.01.2009 22:06 
Recteur - глава учебного округа во Франции, а Chancelier des Universites - ректор университета


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