

link 28.11.2008 18:02 
Subject: Снова с просьбой посмотреть насколько правильно сформулированы фразы
Please advice would it be possible to provide you with the report at least tomorrow. I'm really apollogise for that and I know that this is not good to leave an important things to be completed at the last day, since any unexpected things could happened (such as I have now by receiving this morning an email from the client that the whole transaction structure changed just in two days before execution....) Im really sorry, but I have no opportunity to finalize my report within today. I will try to do it tomorrow, if it would be applicable.


link 28.11.2008 18:30 
here's my rendition:

Please adviSe IF IT would it be ACCEPTABLE possible FOR YOU to RECEIVE provide you with the report tomorrow at least. I'm really apollogize for thEat DELAY and I know. I REALIZE that IT this is NEVER not good to leave an DEAL WITH important things ISSUES to be completed at the last day AT THE LAST MOMENT, since IT GIVES YOU NO LEEWAY SHOULD any unexpected things could happened, JUST AS THEY HAPPENED TO ME (such as I have now by receiving this morning WHEN I RECEIVED an email from A the client INFORMING ME that the whole transaction structure HAD changed just in two days before IT WAS (DUE) TO HAPPEN execution....) I Am really sorry, but I WILL NOT BE ABLE have no opportunity to finalize my report within today. I will, HOWEVER, DO MY BEST try to FINISH do it tomorrow, if THAT it would be applicable SUITE YOU (?).


link 28.11.2008 18:38 
I would like to ask if I could send the report first thing tomorrow. I do apollogise for this delay. I understand that normally one shouldn't delay important things, because anything may happen (like this time when the client sent an email this morning to tell that "the whole transaction structure changed" (or whatever, sounds Chineese to me) two days before <>. I'm really sorry, but I have no no opportunity to finalize my report <> today. I'll do it tomorrow. << if it would be applicable>> ??


link 28.11.2008 18:41 
sledopyt, Codeater, большое спасибо!!


link 28.11.2008 18:46 
... two days before signing
My version is somehow clipped. I didn't realize that plugging "clipped" in place of some part which I replace with my comments whould REALLY CLIP the text!


link 28.11.2008 20:07 
А, вообще, в таких случаях, я не извиняюсь и не спрашиваю, можно ли. А просто говорю, что будет завтра. Это, конечно, не относится к критическим ситуациям, когда мы все, как один, all guns blazing, и т.д. Тогда умри, но сделай, когда начальство приказа ... нет, попросило.


link 28.11.2008 20:38 
sledopyt, респект! И за всю эту адскую работу с тегами, и за превращение текста в конфетку (у меня правда немного есть сомнения по поводу: before IT WAS (DUE) TO HAPPEN (о сделке?), но все остальное просто блеск


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