

link 8.04.2005 7:42 
Subject: Bulls
The jeans are made in
family-run factories in South America and Africa under fair-labor practices (and
come complete with Rainer Maria Rilke poems embroidered inside the pockets).
Perhaps this is all appropriate for a style of clothing that started as a staple for gold
prospectors in the West in the 1870s. And it may be cause for elation among bulls.
For as long as there's enough disposable income sloshing around to allow people to
pay $200 or 6,000 rupees for a pair of jeans, the economy must be in, ah, pretty
good shape.

Помогите перевести в данном контексте, может спекулянты?

 Translucid Mushroom

link 8.04.2005 8:22 
Да, очень похоже.


link 8.04.2005 14:27 
...причем именно "играющие на повышение".
(на понижение играют "медведи")


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