
 Irina Dyomkina

link 18.11.2003 12:54 
Subject: Laboratory equipment - chemistry - nutraceuticals
This dictionary says that the work nutraceuticals has already been searched for several times,
but it is not included. Can knowledgeable people tell me if I am write in translating it here:

'chromatographic detection of compounds including pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, carbohydrates, etc.' as 'pischevye komponenty'?

Thank you very much for your help.


link 18.11.2003 13:20 
Aren't carbohydrates then also nutraceuticals?


link 18.11.2003 13:25 
В русском новоязе иногда встречается слово нутр(а)ицевтики, может это и есть Nutraceuticals

 Irina Dyomkina

link 18.11.2003 16:21 
Thanks very much for your help!


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