

link 22.03.2005 13:25 
Subject: Свидетельство о рассмотрении ходатайства о признании лица беженцем
certificate of considering motion on obtaining status of a refugee - по-моему, это не катит.
Заранее благодарю


link 22.03.2005 13:33 
Первое, что на ум пришло: Refugee Identification Evidence (по гуглю не проверял)


link 22.03.2005 15:10 
Исходя из текста Конвенции о беженцах, долно быть что-то вроде

Сertificate acknowledging that an application for refugee status has been made

В разных странах - по разному (но смысл един)


link 22.03.2005 15:23 
certificate verifying/confirming/attesting that...(has been filed, lodged...)
acknowledgment of receipt of...

asylum application
application for refugee status, as proposed by Draft


link 22.03.2005 17:15 
If we are talking about the U.S. immigration procedure, it is an official form issued by the USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service), entitled "Notice of Receipt." In your case, it would be Notice of receipt of a petition for refugee status.


link 22.03.2005 17:40 
yep, MUCH better!


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