

link 21.03.2008 15:55 
Subject: sit at the back of the class and know its place.
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This is very bad news. I've discovered who Ellaway's lawyer is. His name is Adnan Franklin, a man I never thought I'd met. People who have legal training know him at least by reputation. He costs more per case than I make in a year, and if he's against you, there's nothing you can do. Nothing.
I have a forlon hope that it might turn out all right, after all, we are representing the same client. When I remember Ellaway's face, though, the way he looked at me, the hope turns into a wish, and the wish into a plaintive murmur that sits back of the class and knows its place.Ellaway hates me. Never mind a bad lawyer, to Ellaway I'm practically a criminal.

Заранее спасибо


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