

link 30.10.2007 12:08 
Subject: pitch letters
Using telephone calls and “pitch” letters to editors and program directors, the publicist should propose print and on-air interviews with the client.

Как здесь перевести pitch letters? речь идет о PR для знаменитостей


link 30.10.2007 12:15 
What's a Pitch Letter?
While the press release is written in third person, the pitch letter allows for direct communication between the publicist and the journalist. It's an opportunity to pique interest, form a relationship and persuade. Bad pitch letters begin with boring formalities or promotional hype. Good pitch letters begin with a striking opening that immediately alerts the journalist to an interesting story possibility (e.g. if you're promoting sunscreen: "In the time it takes to read this letter, seven new cases of melanoma will be diagnosed." Or, if you're an accountant: "Americans who were unaware of a new tax break needlessly paid more than $5 billion in extra taxes last year -- and time is running out for them to get that money back."

The pitch letter has one purpose: to persuade the journalist to read the attached press release. Personalize it, keep it short, sign it and clip it to the front of your press release.


link 30.10.2007 12:33 
В этой диссертации это назвают питч-письмо, или письмо-приманка: www.jour.vsu.ru/archiv/editions/thesis/mai_2006_tesis.pdf


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